"Wait. I Liked That,"

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Steve sat at the island in the living space. Everyone was still watching Once Upon A Time.

When Steve walked through the elevator everyone asked him what had happened, but he ignored them. He went to the cabinet and grabbed Crown Royal. He looked at it before rolling his eyes and putting it back. Sometimes he wished he could get drunk.

He walked to the fridge and opened it. He scanned everything but nothing looked good. He rolled his eyes and sat at the island.

And that's where he was when the elevator door dinged. He turned around quickly, hoping it to be Tony.

Lately he grew very guilty for some reason. He hated to admit it but he missed Tony.

When Wanda walked through the elevator doors Steve rolled his eyes, but instantly felt guilty because Wanda was looking right at him. She walked towards him and sat next to him.

"Steve," she said trying to be serious to make a joke. He wanted to smile but he didn't. He looked at her.

"Wanda," she smiled at him. He smiled for half a second but it went away.

"You need to talk to Tony," Steve scoffed.

"I've tried," he said looking straight ahead.

"Don't lose him like I did with my brother." He looked towards her, shocked she mentioned him. Wanda looked into his eyes. "You have a chance, Steve."

He looked at her, mouth partly opened. He then stood and Wanda smiled.

Once Steve left Wanda walked over to the couch with everyone.

"Can't beloved you still watched that when I left," she shook her head. It was her idea to watch this show and now they were watching it without her.

"What happened?" Natasha asked, pausing the television.

"Peter. I think Parker is his last name. Tony mentioned his last name on the car ride home so I didn't have to read his mind for that. I don't know what happened but basically something terrible happened and he's going to stay with us for a few days?"

"Ha! Peter Parker on the Peter Pan season!" Clint said but every ignored him.

Rhodey was quiet. He knew Peter Parker, he was Spider-Man, that young kid from Germany. Tony told him, but he guessed he didn't tell anyone else. He just kept his mouth shut.


Steve quickly collected himself and stood up. Thank god no one came on this level. That would have been very embarrassing for him.

He walked towards the elevator and wiped his eyes. But before he even pushed the button the elevator opened. There was Tony with a glass of water in his hand and on his phone. He didn't look up as he started slowly walking towards the exit of the elevator. Steve took that time to move out of the way and wait by the side of the elevator, not wanting Tony to see him.

When Tony finally looked up from his phone he didn't notice Steve and walked into the room Peter was in.

When Tony walked in he saw Peter still there with his eyes closed. A small smile formed on Tony's lips.

"Hi Peter. I know you're awake," Tony said. Peter opened his eyes and sat up.

"Sorry," he mumbled. Tony nodded and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge. He handed the water to the boy and he chugged it.

"Woah. Slow down there, tiger," Tony said. Peter pulled the cup away from his lips. He was still holding it because the nightstand didn't have coasters and he didn't want to make a ring on the fancy looking wood.

"How are you feeling?"


"Hey kid..." Peter flinched, and Tony hated himself for being the cause of that. "Why... why haven't you cried?"

Peter whipped his head to look at him. Why haven't you cried!? What was he trying to say?

"What do you mean? Are you saying because I haven't cried I don't care? That I'm not hurt by it? Are you saying-"

"No. No no no, of course not," Tony said softly. "It's just... you haven't cried. Not once. Why?"

"I... I don't know," Peter narrowed is eyes I'm thought. Why hasn't he cried? He teared up in the bathroom but it went away fast before they dropped.

Tony decided to change the subject.

"What do you want for dinner?" Thinking of eating made him want to throw up. He was not hungry.

"Nothing," He said, messing with his fingers. He was looking down.

"Peter. You have to eat something. Especially with your fast metabolism."

Peter grew angry. He said he didn't want to eat anything. He quickly grabbed his right wrist with his left hand, blocking the web shooter he used the most. He doesn't want to hurt him.

"I'm just not hungry, okay?" Tony looked at him in sadness, but never less didn't push the thought.

"Okay K- Pete," he quickly saved it, and if it wasn't for Peter's super hearing he probably wouldn't have even heard it. "Go back to sleep."

Peter laid down and Tony stood up. When Peter felt the bed shift he opened his eyes.

"Wait. Stay," Tony turned around. Peter blushed at how he was being needy. "Please..."

Tony smiled and walked back over to the bed. He noticed Peter was still holding the cup. Tony shook his head as he took it out of the the kids hands and put it in the nightstand. Peter eyed that it was just on wood with no coaster, but looked away.

The bed weight shifted again and Tony laid down next to Peter.

"Go to sleep, Pete."

Peter nodded and moved to the side so his back was to Tony's side. Peter was happy Tony was here next to him. It made him feel less... alone.

Tony put his hands in his hair, trying to get him to go to sleep faster. Tony cringed at himself, he was embarrassing himself.

He quickly pulled his hand away.

"Wait. I liked that," Peter muttered, trying not to make himself overthink. Tony put the hand back in Peter's hair.

After about thirty minutes of Tony massages Peter's hair, he looked to see if Peter was asleep. When it looked like he was Tony quickly, but quietly, shuffled his way out of the room.

When he closed the bedroom door he put his ear to the door. He heard no noise.

"Friday, is Peter asleep?" When the AI said yes, Tony let out a breath of air. He started to walk towards the elevator but stopped.

He was trying to avoid Steve even more than ever.

"Friday, where's-" he didn't want to say his name. He breathed in but he still couldn't say it. He started shaking. Was his name a new panic attack trigger?

Tony fanned himself. He was shaking hard but still stood.

"Fri- Friday. Where's St-" he couldn't breath. Oh dammit. His knees went weak and started to fall, but he held his hands out to the ground to catch himself.

It was a few minutes before he stood again.

"Friday. Where's Cap?"

There was silence for a few seconds.

"Right behind you,"


Shorter than normal. But if I'm gonna be posting twice a day it's probably going to be even shorter than this one!

Whatcha think? I wanna know!

-Love You All💞

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