Emergency Mission

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Peter's head wiped to the side. Peter brought his hand up to his cheek.

Did Bruce just hit him?

"Damnit," Bruce muttered and set the beer he was holding down. Peter turned to look at him, betrayal in his eyes.

Bruce was never abusive to him, sure they didn't talk much but he never hit him. Peter never thought he would hit him either!

"Peter-." But it was too late. Peter turned around and ran away, right out of the door.

He ran for so long he couldn't keep track of the time. With the spider bite it made it so he wouldn't run out of breath easily, so he could've just ran three miles. He had no idea how far he ran. Could've been less than a mile, could've been four miles.

He stopped running once his side started to hurt, but kept speed walking until he made it to a gas station in the middle of nowhere.

He walked into it and walked up to the front desk, where a girl with straight blonde hair sat. She looked up at him when she heard the door open.

"Can I- can I borrow your phone?" Peter asked the lady. The girl looked like she wanted to say no, but nevertheless nodded and handed it to him. "Thank you," He said as he went to phone app.

He typed in Ned's phone number.

It kept ringing, Peter didn't know what was taking so long. Ned always answers right away, even if it's a number he doesn't recognize. Right, it's past midnight, he's probably asleep, especially since it's a Monday night.

It went to voicemail, and Peter cursed under his breath.

He tried to rank his mind for phone numbers he knew by heart. He knew the beginning to Tony's and the beginning to Happys, but that's it.

He tried to think of the ending to one.

He tried to dial what he thought was Happys, but it wasn't a number. He tried to dial what he thought was Tony's. It rang.

Please pick up, please pick up.

"Hello, this is Tony."


Pepper (finally) successfully pulled Tony out of his lab to get him to eat with everyone. They all sat at the table with boxes of pizza. Tony's favorite was always pepperoni pizza, everyone already knew that.

He grabbed two slices and listened to Natasha and Steve talk about their mission only a day prior.

Something about some bad guys trying to break into SHIELD to steal some weapons, but that's all tony heard.

"Didn't we just eat this three days ago?" Thor asked as he looked at the pizza.

"Yeah, but it's New York pizza," Sam replied. Thor just shrugged and dropped the pizza onto his plate. He stood up and walked towards the cabinet.

"What're you doing?" Natasha asked Thor, finally turning away from Steve. Thor opened the cabinet and took out a blue box.

"Getting pop tarts," He replied simply, as if he does it all the time.

"Didn't you eat those for breakfast?" Steve asked him, Thor just glared at him. He took out a pack of pop tarts and walked back towards the table, not bothering to put the box back where it belongs. Tony rolled his eyes, knowing Thor would never put it back, and someone else would have to do it.

"So where are they now?" Wanda asked Natasha, going back to their old conversation.

"Jail, obviously," she replied.

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