what a day

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The rest of the day went by fast.

I was just not having a good day and I wanted to be at home relaxing in my bed, eating my Ice Cream, and watching TV.

All day today after lunch, I couldn't even concentrate because of how bad I had to pee. I was honestly angry at myself for not taking the time to pee when I was in the bathroom at lunch earlier today.

I didn't want to use the restroom during any of my class changes because I didn't know where any of the restrooms were and didn't want to get lost by looking for one and be late to a class... AGAIN.

Although, the only restroom I knew was the one near the lunchroom, but my classes were too far away from the lunchroom to make it and get back on time.

This school was so big and complicated, there's no way I would figure everything out by the end of the year. They should really have something where people tour the school before school actually starts.

So the end of the day came and I texted Nathan telling him I was going to try and find a restroom, and that I'll be back waiting at my last class when I'm done.

Luckily, I found the bathroom pretty easily.

Well done Paisley.

But then again, where the hell are all the bathrooms when I'm on the way to class? They seem to all disappear during that time.

After I got out of the bathroom, a lot of people weren't even in the hallway compared to how many people were when I first went in the restroom.

Cooper told me that it's always packed in the hallways and bathrooms after school, so what I saw took me by surprise.

I didn't even spend that long in the bathroom—well I don't think, did I?

All I did was pee.

I walked back to my last class in the same direction I came from, but then I realized that I was going in circles and that I was totally lost.


I promise something is wrong with these hallways, I walked in the same direction where I came from and now I'm in a totally different part of the school.

I'm not crazy, I promise I'm not.

I decided to stop moving and just wait, before I got lost even more.

I was getting ready to pull my phone out to text Nathan, but he beat me to it.

Nathan texted me.

Nathan: Are you seriously still in the bathroom?

Paisley: no, i don't even know where i'm at tbh.

Nathan: I thought you went to the restroom and were gonna come back.

Paisley: i did, but i tried walking back to my class and somehow i'm somewhere else.

Nathan: Aight what are you near.

Paisley: idk to be honest

I looked around, I don't even know where I was. It was just regular classroom doors. I didn't see any signs or anything directing me anywhere.

Nathan: Okay well how in the hell am I supposed to find you? What does it say around you?

I looked around some more.

Room numbers stupid!

Paisley: oh! there's a classroom number that says "158" on the side of the door

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