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Recap of the last chapter,
"Bianchi Siblings":

I got comfortable so much more quickly rather than when I was in the back.

I eventually ended up laying on Nathan's lap, and taking up the whole right side of the seat.
But I didn't care, I was comfortable and that's all that really mattered in the moment.

Despite the all the loud voice and conversations in the van from my family, I fell asleep comfortably and happily.


Road Trip:

I woke up with a pounding headache. I kinda wished I hadn't woken up this fast, from my nice nap.

I slept well, although I think it was the headache that woke me up from my sleep, but at least I was comfortable.

In all honesty, I would rather want a pounding headache, acting as if 100 little kids were banging on my head trying to knock the sense out of me, than sleep in my normal, uncomfortable spot in the van.

I'm sorry but yes, it was just that bad.

9 times out of 10, I take my sleep very seriously and I can't really sleep at all when I'm sleeping somewhere uncomfortable.

While my mind wandered on and on about sleeping and comfort, I came to the thought of the hotel room beds. I really hope they were comfortable, because I definitely needed to get some good rest during this vacation.

Every time we would go on vacation during summer (or it just being summer in general), I would always be an Asher and stay up so late. At times, I would stay up later than Asher.

Natalie would sometimes stay up with me, but most times she couldn't hang in there.

I could NOT do that this time because doing that messed up my sleep schedule so bad. When it was time to go back to school, let's just say I had a rough time. It consisted of freezing cold water being throw on me...

..Anyways, when I woke up, my headache gradually got stronger as I realized something was wrong.

The van was way too quiet, and that was so abnormal, unless everyone was all asleep. That was very unlikely because with me taking all of Nathan's space, and with Cooper sitting in the worst spot in the van, they definitely would not have been able to go to sleep.

With my family, when it's quiet—something is definitely wrong.

I also realized that my legs weren't on Nathan's lap, and he wasn't beside me. Issac wasn't anywhere on the seat either.

I sat up from my seat and looked around to see where everyone was.

No one was in the van except Jayden, who was looking outside at the scenery. Asher, who had his eyes planted on his phone. And Dan, who was also on his phone, texting his girlfriend probably.

Everyone else was gone and we were parked beside a couple of trees.

I saw a lot of shelters and small buildings. I then saw a sign that had printed "REST STOP" across it.

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