nathan and i

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We kept driving until we reached the drive way of my house.

My heart was beating so fast.

I really didn't want to go in.

My brothers were not the ones to play with or mess with, especially when it came to me.

Dillion got out of the car and stood outside, waiting for me to get out of the car.

My mind was telling me to get out that car and deal with it, but my body just wouldn't move.

I was too scared.

"Come on, trust me," Dillion said.

"I-I can't" I said hesitantly.

"Yes you can. Get out," Dillion said.

I knew I had no other choice.

"Alright," I said frowning.

I sat for a second, and then got the courage to get out of the car.

By the time I got out, Dillion was already at the door, because I took forever to get out.

I stood near Dillion but didn't stand where whoever opened the door could see me.

I saw that Nathan was at the door.

I wonder what Nathan was doing still at home, I would've thought he would be out somewhere on a Friday night.

They were talking and Nathan looked a little confused and worried.

Then Nathan laugh a little.

"Anyways man, why are you here?"  I heard Nathan say as he poked his head out the door. 

That's when Nathan saw me standing to the side of Dillion.

His face filled up with terror to see his little, only sister, with bruises on her face.

He rushed over to me.

"What the hell happened Paisley?" He said.

"I-I.." I hesitated.

My heart was beating so fast.

I was so scared. 

I couldn't spit it out.

"Did you do this?" Nathan asked Dillion getting mad, about to knock him out.

"No of course not!" Dillion said, "she fell on the counter, she was walking and then tripped on water and fell face first into the counter." He said, "I saw her and then took her home because I knew you guys were her brothers." He said again.


He was a great liar.

I felt so relieved, and a bit confused.

Thank the Lord for Dillion.

Nathan looked back at me.

"Is that true Paisley?" Nathan said, staring me down.

"Y-yes" I said, lying.

paisley and her brothers Where stories live. Discover now