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Ian POV 

We're making our way back to mine when Mickey suddenly pulls me aside into a nearby alleyway. 

'Ian i need you to listen to me right now.' He looks at me with sincere eyes.

'Mick you're kinda scaring me right now.' I shudder a his grip on my shoulders tighten.

'I'm sorry but I need to know that you are going to listen.' His grip loosens slightly but doesn't fade.

'I'll listen to whatever you have to say. I trust you.' He lets go and takes a few steps back and sits on the floor with his hands over his eyes. 

'I need you Ian.  I can't live without you.' He pauses, looks up to see my reaction and carrys on. 

'Me and svet are getting a divorce.'

'i'm going to gather some people mostly my brothers and go hint down dad. He's the only thing stopping me being with you. What you and i have makes me free Ian. I don't care what people think about us but i cant risk him killing you. I love you.'

I quickly pull him in for a hug. we stand up and make our way home. 

A/N his is so short but took ages to write. sorry lol 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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