20. Lost & Found

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name:- Lost & Found
word count:- 3000 words
published on:- 28th June, 2019

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[Remember, Cyber Bullying is a crime. People on the other end of the device are humans and have hearts. StopBullying, StopBashing.]



The Malhotra Residence

Promises. Making them is always easy, but fulfilling them? That's where the nerves kick in. We all make promises at the skip of our tongue, atleast one every day. But no one ever keeps them. When was the last time you put in actual effort to keep a promise? I'm sure you don't remember. That's the thing right there. No one does.

I made a promise last night. To visit Home for breakfast. And as much tempted I was to sleep the morning lazily in my bed and make a simple excuse when I get up to my Mom, I couldn't do that. The simple thought of her preparing my favourite food, waiting for me and then after sitting alone on the dining for an hour, realising that I wasn't going to turn up, the disappointment and the loneliness that would cross her then. I just couldn't.

I stepped inside the huge mansion I once called home. This was the second time I ever came back after shifting out, and I realised this was never home. It was simply a house where four-- three people lived, and now just two. There was no warmth, no happiness; and even if it were there, it was hidden somewhere deep between the bricks of the walls, painted and layered with a concrete of emotionlessness, and no was ready to dig in to find the love just yet.

"Dad," I said as I walked in, taking in the plain walls and esquisitive pastel furniture, huge chandeliers on the ceilings throwing yellow light all over the living room admits the sunlight. My dad was on one of the couches, still in his night robes, reading the news from an iPad in front of his eyes. I could see my voice startled him, but he didn't look up, immediately covered anything my voice made him feel and curtly nodded.

Mom came out of the kitchen, giving me an aye to eye smile. "You came!" She said. I bet she hadn't expected I would come. But guess, I loved giving surprises.

"I did," I smiled back, hugging her, "What's for breakfast?"

Her eyes were glistening with tears, and I pretended I was oblivious of it, "Your favourite," she croaked, "Everything's your favourite. Dosas and Idlis and that special juice you loved since you were eight and crossiants and Waffles and Maple sauce and... also, peanut butter sandwiches with peppermint dip."

"You made so much?" I laughed, sitting on the table.

"Yes!" She said, sitting across me, the smile not leaving her face, "I also wanted to make that chocolate butter pancake with sprinkles but your father insisted it would be too much for breakfast," she said sheepishly as my father sat on the third chair. I just smiled.

"Of course I did. You were making breakfast for one normal man, not some royal king," Dad scoffed as I took the first bite of my Idli.

I scoffed back, "Looks like someone has had time to look up from their iPad. To what have I received this honour?"

"Oh please!" He retaliated, "I was looking into the share market. You should know that as a good businessman, it is important to be updated about--" He started but I cut him off.

"I don't know!" I shouted, "Guess what? I don't know and I wouldn't because I. Am. Not. A. Businessman."

I digged into my plate, not wanting to see the expression on my father's face. So much for coming back home, isn't it?

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