32. More Than A Fairytale

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name:- More Than A Fairytale
word count:- 3900 words
published on:- 18th Nov, 2019

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There were a lot of things floating in my mind right now, a lot of questions, a lot of thoughts, feelings, everything was jumbled and entangled in the most beautiful way with my heart warm and swollen as we walked through the streets of Paris with my hand in his.

"I'd like to take you somewhere," he said, looking back at me, breaking the silence of ten minutes and I tried to hide the ear-to-ear smile that involuntarily broke on my face everytime he looked at me.

"Where?" I asked. My mind couldn't stop trailing back to how he kissed me, how I tiptoed to touch his face and how his hands trailed around my waist holding my body close to his, the feeling of his skin rubbing against mine and the ecstasy of kissing him again after five whole years.

"I'll always take you somewhere," he smiled and when our eyes met, I could feel something sparkle in his hazel orbs, something that I thought was missing everytime I looked into his eyes now was back and a small voice in the corner of my heart told me that the image playing in his head was the same as mine; probably, he was just as happy and smiling about the change of events between us as I was.

"Okay then."

"Do you trust me?" He asked me.

It took me a moment. My lips quivered, "I do."

"Good," he teased, "Because what we're going to do ahead is going to require a lot of trust."

"Manik, what are we going to do?" I asked softly, curiously.

"Something," He smirked, not looking at me at all as he opened the passenger door of his car and I sat in, while he got into the driver's seat and switched on the radio, letting songs play softly as we drove quietly.

This triggered a memory. Me and him, our first date night, I was wearing that beautiful red dress and he was in a black overcoat, we drove over on the hills with windows down, the cold air making my hair fly, Girls Like You playing on the station as we sang together. Those were the good old days, and this felt like a déjà vu.

The windows were open and the radio was on, but we didn't sing anymore. My hair were short and they wouldn't fly away, and his eyes were barely moving from the road. A lot had changed, but one thing that hadn't was the way I felt happy sitting next to him, just like I did years ago on our first date. And maybe, even the way his eyes kept flickering to me for bare seconds when he thought no one noticed but I did, and it made me even happier with every passing second like that was possible.

It wasn't a very long ride, but the road got thinner and darker with every passing minute, and I couldn't help but wonder where we were going.

Before the fourth song could get over, the car stopped. We had reached. But what was ahead, was actually nothing. I am not over exaggerating, what lies ahead was actually just darkness. No road. No valley. No height. Not anything. Just a tree cover and plain, black darkness.

"Manik, where are we?" I asked, laughing a little nervously as he unbelted himself and got out of the car and I had to follow him.

"Somewhere, I told you," he smirked.

"Manik," I glared at him in a warning.

He laughed. "I'll show you," He smiled, then forwarded his hand to me. I was hesitant, but I let myself keep my hand in his as he firmly held me, and walked us ahead.

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