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Amara's POV

I whip my head to face Beena. "B-Beena... I-"

"Peter, it's really unbelievable to think you'd be able to sway Amara when she already has feelings for someone else, let alone sway her in general." She laughs.

She's genuinely laughing. Ya Allah.

"Who is that?" Peter's voice has a slight edge.

"It's okay, you don't need to—" I try to stop Beena with no success.

"Munir, duh. Isn't it obvious?" She smirks. "Now leave the girl alone unless you're trying to help her get with your friend."

Peter doesn't say anything. In fact, this is the first time I've seen him not say a single word back.

Beena, being satisfied with his reaction, hooks her arm around mine and pulls me back in the party.

"Wasn't that a good save?" She grins.

"You really don't have to go around telling people I have a crush on Munir because I don't." I finally blurt out the truth.

Beena looks at me in confusion. "What do you mean?"

I sigh. "I only said that so you guys would stop asking me about the actual guy."

"I guess we can be a little pushy sometimes, huh?" She chuckles. "What happened to the actual guy? Who is he? Why wouldn't he be interested in someone as beautiful as you?"

"That's sweet of you, Beena. He's no one... It's not his fault, he has a type and I'm not the type. It's nothing personal." I explain carefully.

"Let me talk to him." She urges.

"If you talk to him, you'll become his type instead of me." I laugh.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Yes, don't worry." I reassure her.

"No, I mean, are you sure you don't have a crush on Munir?" She asks, a bit shyly, actually.

"What? No, I don't. He's a sweet guy, honestly. But we didn't click like that." I answer with a confused tone.

Beena looks a little flustered asking about Munir...

"Wait, are you crushing on him?" I smirk.

This girl can really switch around her feelings like it's nothing but this is the first time she has had feelings for someone good.

"No! I mean, I don't think so?" She wasn't sure.

"What about Peter?" I ask carefully.

"He's fun and all but it's nothing longterm." She shrugs her shoulders.

"Oh my God. Munir would be perfect for your impulsive ass." I laugh.

"I think he might like you though." She looks down on the floor.

"Why would you think that?" I raise a brow.

"Because I was talking to him a few minutes ago and he's a more toned down kind of guy. He seems like someone who'd be attracted to someone as calm and simple as you; and I mean that in the most complimentary way as possible." She looks a little bummed.

Peter said Munir wasn't here at the party... why would he lie? Or did he actually not know?

I place a hand on her shoulder. "I will find out right now if he has a crush on me or not."

"W-what do you mean? Amara!" Beena yells after me.

But I already started to push through the crowd to find him.

I locate him beside the bar, talking to Daamir and Rooble. Dina and Zoya are also with the boys.

"Hey guys. Can I borrow Munir for a few minutes?" I say, as all of them glance at each other, then nod.

Munir looks at me in confusion. "What's up?"

"Not here." I gesture to him to follow me.

Daamir is smirking while Rooble has his brow raised in curiosity.

"Excuse us, ladies and gents." I wink to increase their suspicion, just because I find that funny.

Munir nods, not noticing anything.

I find a space that's the least crowded so I can actually hear him.

"Is everything alright?" He asks.

"Yes. I just wanted to ask you something straight up." I say.

"What do you think of Beena?"

That question makes him instantly start choking on air.


"W-why are you asking so suddenly?" He stutters.

"So, you're not crushing on me?" I ask.

He raises a brow.

"Answer honestly." I say.

"Sorry, no?" He's trying to be careful in order to not offend me.

"Then, what do you think of Beena?" I push the subject.

When it comes to talking to other people for the sake of my friends, all of a sudden, I'm not some quiet and keep-to-oneself person.

"You're coming off strong with this one." Munir chuckles.

"I am." I grin. "Well?"

"She's cool." He answers. 

"Really?!" I say a little too excitedly. 

He looks away shyly. "Yeah, she seems like a fun person. Quite opposite of me, in fact."

"Definitely opposite of you." I giggle. "But... she's extremely loveable." 

"What's all of this for?" He asks.

"Beena will-"

Suddenly, someone grabs my wrist. 

I whip my head in the direction of the person. "Peter, what the hell are you doing?"

- - -

A/N: I know this chapter's been extremely short but I'm just so busy. :(

Next Update: Monday, July 8 (EST/Toronto Time), Insh'Allah!

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