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Amara's POV

"Okay, since we cleared the air about you having absolutely no feelings for me, can you help me get that girl?" Peter asks.

What a clueless, stupid boy. I couldn't crush on literally anyone else?!

"No." I don't want to get caught up in this.

"Come on! I need your womanly advice!" He pouts.

After giving it some thought, I reluctantly agree. "Okay, fine. Which one?"

His pouts work on me a little too well. It's almost dangerous.

"Yes!" He squeals like a child.

"That one. I mean, if I can score the pretty friend, that'd be extra points." He grins.

I look at him in puzzlement. "Wait, I'm confused. Which one am I helping you with? Do you mean you'd be okay with either one?"

"Oh, sweet, naive, Amara. I mean, I would like them to coexist or coincide with each other when they're with me." He smirks.

"What do you... Oh my God, Peter!" It suddenly hits me. "That's really messed up! How would the three of you even–this is absolute madness!" I sound like a scolding mother.

"My kinks are none of your business. You're only supposed to help me score." He frowns.

"Ugh, ew, gross. Okay." I shake my head to clear up my thoughts. "Do your normal Peter things, minus being asshole-y and you'll be set. Trust me, you're a much more likeable person when you leave out the douchebag part."

"Speaking from personal experience with me?" He asks.

"Yes, I am. Now, go!" I push him away.

During those few minutes, I would take glances and it seems like things are going well.

Dina catches my eyes and she points at her phone. I pick up my phone and there's a text from her.

Dina: what is he doing?

Me: I'm helping him impress those girls.

Dina: uh...

Me: will tell you in person!

Peter comes back with a smile of success on his face. There was a small disappoint in me that it worked. I wish that smile was for me...

Snap out of it, Amara!

"Guess what?" He beams.

"It worked." I smile back as much as I could.

"It sure did." He says.

"Which girl?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Both." He smirks.

"Oh my..." I can't believe it.

"Thanks, Amara. You get the credit for this one." He winks.

This, obviously, doesn't please me to the slightest. This success feels like a defeat for myself.

I sigh as we get back to doing work, maybe I should've just told him I have a crush on him. But every single he opens his mouth, I'm glad I never told him because it can't possibly lead to anything good.

• • •

Just like this, weeks go by, Peter has definitely stopped intense flirting with me, which should make me glad but here I am again, feeling like complete shit.

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