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Amara's POV

"There's no way we're letting you guys pay for this." I say.

"Then I'm unfriending you." Beena scoffs.

"Beena! That's unfair!" Zoya frowns.

"You guys need to be quiet and just shop!" Dina yells.

The associate at the entrance of YSL tries not to stare at us while we're arguing but I can tell by the look on her face, she's finding this all very amusing.

"We booked the store for three hours! Can't back out now!" Beena grabs my arm and pulls me inside

Dina does the same for Zoya, whilst the store associate closed the door behind us.

Three hours? That must be why she wanted us to leave the house by 9 AM.

My eyes fall on the first piece of clothing I could see and the price tag on it was loud and clear.

I gasp. "$3,000 for a top? I can't do this."

"Shut up!" Beena scolds me. "I had them pre-pick a few dresses for each of us, so we can get this done faster. If you don't like any of the ones they chose, we can roam the store."

The store associate, who's name I learned is Rose, pulls out four separate racks with the clothes. Each rack has one of our names on it.

I go to the rack with my name on it. Just one quick look at the dresses, and I'm absolutely mesmerized. They're so stunning!

I guess a dress wouldn't hurt... I'll pay them back by driving them around for... I guess the rest of my life.

I graze my fingers along the red dresses that are hung on the rack.

"Since the invitation said red gowns for women, I had them choose out their most flattering ones for us." Beena says. "Rose, our style consultant, has chosen one that she thinks would flatter each of us."

"Who should we start with. Ma'am?" She asks Beena.

"Amara!" Beena claps.

"Uh... How about we start with-"

"Nope! We start with you!" Beena doesn't even give me the chance to sit down.

Rose nods. She unhooks a few of the dresses from my rack. "Please, follow me, Ma'am."

I look back at my friends while following Rose, they're looking back at me with so much more excitement. I guess it reminds them of the time we used to play dress up, except, now it's real expensive clothes.

I try out three dresses and even though I found them pretty, Beena said they didn't give off the wow factor.

"It's just a charity event! Who cares as long as I have something to wear!" I say out of frustration. It's not easy changing in and out of gowns.

Beena shakes her head. "Stop complaining and get back in there to show us another one."

I groan in annoyance but abide to her commands. "Fine!"

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