Chapter 6

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Update on my personal life: Still haven't found food and I'm in need of cuddles.

I sorta feel like this is a bad chapter....but eh

Enjoy this chapter of TKT

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"So where exactly are you taking us?"

Hoseok's voice asked from beside you, directing the question to the dirty blond that was now leading your small group into an unknown direction.

The five of you had been walking nonstop for about an hour.

Namjoon hadn't given you much information about where you were going only that he was taking you "somewhere magical".

His way of phrasing things certainly didn't help with the anxiety you were already feeling after waking up in a strange forest.

Your feet were aching from all the walking, legs sore from constantly moving in the same direction. You were thirsty and hungry-as always- and you really just wanted McDonald's.

At this point, you didn't care where you were going. You only hoped that you would get there in time for dinner.

Namjoon turned to face Hoseok, his smile wide as he showed off his attractive dimples.

"The Keeper's Castle." He stated.

Your eyebrows crashed together at his words, footsteps halting as you stared at him with curiosity.

This man was clearly...missing something.

Since you had met him, all he had said was stuff about "archers" and "castles". You were actually beginning to worry for everyone's safety..For all any of you knew, he could be a serial killer that dragged you all out here just to force you to play into some sick fantasy he had created..

The dirty-blond man tilted his head at your actions, a frown forming on his face as realization dawned on him.

"Have they taught you nothing in your world?" He muttered quietly, his green eyes scanning over your small group with an almost awe'd expression.

Jin let out a heavy sigh, running a hand through his royal blue locks.

"Look, we're hungry and we're tired and we really just want to go home...So if you would be kind enough to-"

"You are home." Namjoon stated with a tilt of his head. "This is your home."

Seokjin raised his eyebrows, glancing at you for a moment before looking back at the man in front of him.

"No." He started slowly. "Our home is far away from here...That's where we belong."

Amusement fell over Namjoon's face at your best friends word, a deep chuckle resonating from his chest.

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