Chapter 1 - Shuichi Saihara

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Kokichi was flying back to Japan after visiting his mother and father who had moved to America.

They had moved when he was old enough to move out. Kokichi liked Japan and didn't want to move to the US.

He put his luggage above him and sat down, looking out the window. This was going to be an extremely boring ride, he thought to himself.

The plane was rather small, only seats of two on each side. Kokichi was sat at the window seat and no one had sat down next to him yet. He hoped that it would stay that way.

He felt claustrophobic whenever someone were to sit next to him in planes, especially by the window seat.

Small spaces were his worst fear.

"Can I sit here?" a soft voice called out. He slowly turned his head to see a tall, slim boy in a black outfit with thin white stripes and a cap on. From what he could see, the boy had navy hair and... yellow eyes?

Kokichi sighed and nodded, this guy didn't seem like he'd be a hassle anyways, and he certainly didn't want to deal with a chatterbox, like he had on the last plane ride to the US. Some blonde girl called Kaede. He was also exhausted from just socialising with his parents.

He rested his head on the side of the plane and watched as the boy put his stuff away and sat down.

The boy looked at him a little worried, "Um, you don't know me do you?"

Kokichi just stared at him in disbelief "Why would I know some random emo kid sitting next to me on a plane?"

The boy let out a sigh of somewhat relief which confused Kokichi even more.

Was this guy famous or something?

Nah, surely not.

Kokichi then noticed he had a badge that read "Shuichi... Saihara?"

The boy turned to him in shock and looked down, noticing his badge, he quickly took it off and shoved it in his pocket. "Great..." he muttered.

Kokichi put a hand to his chin, trying to think. "Nope, never heard of you. Are you supposed to be famous?"

Shuichi looked at the smaller boy, shocked "You seriously don't know who I am? Ahhh thank god!"

Kokichi's confusion only grew more by the second. He really wanted to google search this guy but thanks to aeroplane mode, he couldn't. To be honest, Kokichi barely knew any celebrities. The only one he had heard of was BTS and he actually really liked their music. Also they were pretty hot. His bias was J-Hope.

Seeing as this was going to be a long ride, he decided to plug in some earphones and listen to BTS.

A few hours passed and suddenly Kokichi felt something on his shoulder, he turned his head to see that Shuichi has fallen asleep.

"What a pain" He mumbled, not liking the feeling of having someone's head on his shoulder. He strategically brought out his neck pillow that he brought with him on every flight. He never really used it because he usually couldn't sleep on flights due to people.

He put the pillow around Shuichi's neck and moved his head back to the middle of his seat. He decided to use this opportunity to take off his hat and take a good look at his face. He was actually rather handsome. Quickly putting the hat back on Shuichi and feeling proud of his achievement, Kokichi turned back to the window and enjoyed the scenery.

• • • • • •

"Nngh..." Shuichi slowly opened his eyes "Mm... comfy..." he mumbled before realising he had a neck pillow around him.

"Huh? This wasn't here before" He said to himself quietly, turning to look at Kokichi, who was fast asleep, leaning against the side of the plane.

"Did he...?" Shuichi said to himself, cringing at the way Kokichi was lying. "That looks painful, he'll get a sore neck."

Shuichi lifted the boys neck and put the pillow around him, he slightly blushed whilst admiring the boys features. He was actually very good looking. WAIT.

Shuichi mentally screamed at himself. He didn't even know this boys age and he looked around 12...

Kokichi slowly opened his eyes and was met with piercing yellow eyes, staring down at him. It shocked him but he managed to keep a poker face. The gap between their faces was small which made Kokichi mildly uncomfortable.

"Uh, can you move?" he asked, looking away. Shuichi hadn't realised how close he had gotten and panicked "S-Sorry! Y-you were just lying in a weird positing s-so... A-Anyways, I was just wondering how old you are..."

Kokichi scrunched his nose at the weird and random question "I'm 18"

Shuichi let out a mental sigh of relief and nodded.

"How about you?" Kokichi asked, "I'm 19" he replied, looking down at his lap.

• • • • • •

The plane journey went by rather quickly and Shuichi and Kokichi had somewhat managed to bond during the last few hours.

They were about to land and when they hit the ground, the bump ended up knocking Shuichi into Kokichi and he hit his arm against the side of the arm rest, which resulted it some of his newer cuts opening back up. It didn't help that he was wearing white as well seeing as blood obviously started soaking through.

"Shit..." he grumbled, hiding his arm as best as possible. "Oh dear i'm so s-sorry! Is your arm okay?!" Shuichi panicked and looked at Kokichi who simply nodded.

"Are you sure? Let me see!" Shuichi tried to grab the arm behind him but Kokichi slapped his hand away "Stop." he said between gritted teeth. You could tell he was getting angry.

Shuichi's worry grew but he decided not to push further as he didn't want to anger him. He nodded slightly and everyone was starting to get off the plane. Shuichi slowly slipped out and grabbed his stuff, exiting the plane. He thanked the attendants before waiting at the bottom for Kokichi.

Kokichi was the last to get off and Shuichi then noticed the blood that soaked his right arm sleeve.

Kokichi reached the bottom of the steps and glared at him "What do you think you're doing?"

"I-I just wanted to apolo-"

"You've said enough, now leave me alone"

Kokichi staggered off with his suitcase and Shuichi couldn't help but feel guilty.

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