Ch:13 Little garden adventure

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In the deck of the Merry, the straw hats were seated, listening to a long-haired man's teachings.

Usopp raised his hand to ask a question "When you say all the living things, you mean animals too?"

Madara nodded "That's right, even animals could use Haki, if they are intelligent enough to master it"

"Yeah, yeah, I get that" Sanji had an annoyed face "What I don't get, is how the stupid marimo unlocked it first"

Zoro smiled "Oh, the pervert cook is jealous?"

"What you say?! Wanna go?!" Sanji stood prepared to fight.

Zoro did the same "Come whenever you want! I could use you to practice MY Haki!"

Madara instantly stopped the two smacking their heads "Be quiet"

The two then seated again.

"Zoro unlocked because he has putted his life in danger for a long time, he just needed a little impulse for him to unlock it, but it was a matter of time" He looked to the chef "Although, you are also near your awakening, you will need more impulse that the swordsman, but in the near future your Haki will be unlocked"

"Hmph" Sanji frowned.

"Returning to our lesson, there are three types of Haki" He raised his fingers "First, is the observation Haki, as it's name says, it focus on the observation, it also focus on sensing, with that, you can detect opponent and surrounding living things, not only that, but with enough training, you could even predict the enemies' attacks" Madara then clenched his fist "Next, is armament Haki" His fist turned into black metal "It can focus on defense, it works as an invisible armor using the energy of the user, but with enough concentration of it, you can turn it into a weapon that improves the offensive power" His fist turn back to normal "That are the normal types of Haki you will find"

"But what about the third one?" Usopp asked.

"That one is actually is difficult to find, it is known as conqueror Haki" Madara frowned "It is the rarest form of Haki. It cannot be training, the conqueror Haki depends on the will of the user. It works as imposing your will on other beings, the effect depends on the difference in power between the user and the opponent, I only know a few people that possess it"

"Who?" Sanji made a curious face.

"Well…" Madara looked to Luffy.

They all turned to see the sleeping Luffy in the deck, he obviously fell slept in the middle of the lesson.

"That idiot?!" Sanji protested

"Yeah, he possesses it, although, he doesn't know how to use it correctly" He remembered the training in Mt. Colubo "Sometimes he had an impulse that made him use it"

"Well, I think that was expected from our captain" Zoro smirked.

"Then, this class is over" Madara clapped his hands

Luffy awaked and yawned "What did I miss?"

"Nothing that you already knew" Madara answered

"Sanji, I'm hungry" Luffy stroked his stomach

"I will go prepare something quick" Sanji walked to the kitchen

Vivi just looked to the crew with an amazed face "It is normal for them to be carefree?!" She asked the navigator "We are in the Grand line, danger could appear any second now!"

"Don't worry, this is just the way we are" Nami waved her hand and looked to the crew "You don't have to worry while you are in this ship"

Vivi looked as Sanji appeared with drinks for everyone. "I see"

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