Ch15:the new emperor pt.1

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"Quickly, we need more blood transfusions!"

"Prepare the operation table, we need to used it quickly!"

"Someone, more bandages!"


"Quickly, blood pressure in critical state!"

"Some IV over here!"


"We need to stop this hemorrhage right now!"


Everyone ran and rushed from side to side in the makeshift hospital on a destroyed wasteland that was called an island some time ago. All the doctor ran trying to help their injured patients. Everyone tried to help in everything they could.

Screaming doctors called for the nurses' help, the patients, marines, screamed for help, some drew their final breaths before dying in the clinical beds. Other screamed for help, the rest were or unconscious or dead.

Many of the patients died in the clinical beds. Blood loss, injuries, losing limbs, or they were killed before they arrived to the beds and they didn't notice.

It was a nasty sight.

People with their arms sliced, legs, some even carried corpses sliced in half. The bodies accumulated. The entire place was full with the injured patients. The only ones not injured were the doctors and nurses. Blood splatted everywhere, doctors and nurses ran from side to side with their gowns covered in blood. Other doctors and nurses puking their guts outs afar from the patients, not even them managed to resist the sight.

But of all the patients, there were some treated as priority. Most of their medical staff was designed to treat them.

Who were they treating?

No one would have believed if someone told them.

The strongest marines of the entire forces. The three admirals of the marine's forces, Kizaru, Aokiji and Akainu were all being treated by their injuries, grave injuries.

Kizaru was the less injured, but still. Broken bones, his leg was contortioned in an inhuman way, it would be a miracle if he recovered from it, he was unconscious, his entire yellow suit was burned and stabbed in a lot of places.

Aokiji, his entire ribcage was broken, some ribs punctured his lungs. He was coughing blood unceasingly, even with his powers, some burn and bruised appeared on his body.

Akainu, he was the worst. His left arm was cut permanently, from the middle of the arm downwards was nothing, just a pool of blood being formed under it. His left leg too, it wasn't there, from the knee downwards was an empty space. All around him, blood coming from his wound. His screams of pain surrounded the entire room where he was being treated.

Most shockingly, none of the doctors and nurses would have thought some day the needed to treat the hero of the marines Garp. He had a long stab scar in his chest. The same scar in the chest appeared in his back, obviously, it pierced through. Garp's sight wasn't in his scar, or in the doctor treating him, he looked to his old friend, Sengoku.

The fleet admiral of the marine forces, the highest rank a marine can aspire to be. No one would have thought they would see him in a hospital bed with doctors stitching his wounds. A big slice scar that goes from his left pectoral to his right hip. A deep and big scar that will now adorn his pride of a marine from now on.

Nobody would have believed this scenario, the three admirals of the marines, the hero of the marines and the fleet admirals of the marines, the best of the best, laying on beds, bleeding, broken, unconscious.

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