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Uss Shaks See Bas Itna Sa Talluk
Hai Faraz,
Wo Pareshan Ho To  Hume Neend
Nahi Aati......


Everyone knew what happened the day before when Mustafa told them everything. Osama and Baseer also got know that Maria is married to their Mustafa bhaai. Dado was eagerly waiting for Maria to come down soon as everyone was already present on the dining table waiting for her. Finally, after few minutes of waiting she came down with a blank face, devoid of any emotions and even if there were any she was able to mask them like a pro. Nobody was able to decipher her emotions.

Greeting dado she sat on her seat and started eating her breakfast all the while feeling lingering gazes of everybody on her which she ignored not paying attention to anyone.

Osama who was sitting beside her, gaped looking at her calm face. Everyone was confused seeing her, especially Mustafa who was unable to detect her emotions for the first time. He shared a look with dado and she assured him that everything will be fine. It was then she decided it is best to talk about them, in front of everyone.

Slowly everyone finished their breakfast. And Rubana Ahwaan cleared her throat getting everyone's attention.

"All of you all are already aware that Maria and Mustafa are already married so I have decided that it is the best time for ruksati. The matter has already been delayed for years and now it's high time for them to settle down."

Hearing dado Maria let out a frustrated sigh, getting up from her seat because she wanted answers first before telling them about their decision.

"Dado I don't remember getting married so how can you say that we are married ?"

Making an irritated face she looked towards her so called husband who looking at her only so intensely that she again turned towards dado not able to take his heated gaze on herself.

"Beta aap dono ka rishta  aapke dada jaan ne karwaya tha....."


Rubana Alam Ahwaan's POV

I still remember the day, when my husband was detected with leukemia, I was devastated. I felt like my life was being taken away from me but he was a brave man, he was not afraid of death.... I still remember when the day when he caught me crying he grabbed  my hands gently and smiled while wiping my tears

"Man takes birth, only to die one day... My life, my love for you will remain till eternity. I might be going from this world, but we'll meet soon, only to be united again in jannah forever."

He took a promise from me to be happy after his death and take care of our children and especially our grandchildren...I know he was devastated for not being able to see them grow, but he still managed to put up a smile on his face everyday, For me and for our children.

Our days were passing with difficulty seeing him suffering from pain and not being able to anything. We were helpless and so was he. One day he suddenly expressed his wish of getting our grandkids married and that day I saw spark in his dead eyes. He wanted Mustafa and Maria to get married as very fond of our little Maria cause she always managed to put a bright smile on his face due to her childishness and Mustafa was our first grandchild so we both had a special bonding with him, so it was decided that they both were to get married only Mustafa was to be convinced.

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