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"Mustafa, leave me."

Maria requested a sleeping Mustafa who was holding her tightly like a stuff toy. His face was snuggled on her neck making her skin tingle whenever he breathed.

As much as she was loving his arms around her, she needed to get away from his embrace as fast as she could.

"Leave me or else I'll be forced to vomit on you."

He immediately lose his hold hearing her and that was her queue to run for the bathroom feeling bile rise through her throat, emptying everything inside her stomach.

"Aap jaiye, main theek hu."

(You go, I am fine.)

She told him not wanting him to see her in this condition. She knew morning sickness was normal during pregnancy but she didn't knew that it would suck all the energy out of her.

"I am not going anywhere even if you ask me to. We both are in this together."

His words were soft but determined. Determined to be with her at each step of her pregnancy. After all she was carrying his child and as her husband he didn't want to leave her alone to fend for herself, rather actively take part in the whole journey of the development of their baby.

"Get ready, then we will go down for breakfast."

He left kissing her forehead.

"Salam dado."

She greeted dado who smiled at her and kissed her forehead blessing her.

"Ab tabyat kaisi hai aapki beta ?"

(How are you feeling now, my child ?)

"I am good dado."

She lied to her which earned her a glare from Mustafa but he kept quiet knowing she lied not to worry her grandmother.

"Yes, she is perfectly fine dado."

He mocked looking at her with a sarcastic smile making her smile sheepishly for lying. Aamina noticing his behavior.

Sitting down on her seat she forwarded her hand to take pancakes when Mustafa stopped her from having it.

"Here, have this. This is more healthy."

He said serving her two aaloo paratha's smiling at her.

"But I don't want it. I always have light breakfast."

The sight of oily paratha's made her stomach churn in uneasiness. She was not used to have heavy breakfast and now she couldn't risk eating heavy breakfast as she was scared of vomiting again.

"It was different earlier but now you are carrying a baby so you have to eat well for both of you."

He softly told her trying to make her understand. Not having any option she agreed glaring at him.

"Isn't he being too strict ?"

Aamina softly whispered inside Maria's ear, making her nod in annoyance.

"Too much to handle."

She answered her loud enough for Mustafa to hear his wife complaining about him.

"Stop complaining about me and finish your breakfast cause I am not going to let you go before you finish it."

Came his strict voice making her whine in annoyance. She shared a annoyed look with Aamina who patted her back consoling her.

Jaan-E-Mustafa Where stories live. Discover now