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Mustafa was cursing himself for accusing her for infedility. The crime which she never did. She was pure as an angel. But he broke her again. He promised her, that he will heal her and when she finally trusted him, he broke her trust. He committed a sin. He questioned her character.

Forgive me Allah, for I have sinned.

She was in deep slumber as doctor injected her with a heavy dose to sleep peacefully. He also prescribed some medicines for her sprained ankle.

Mustafa could trace, stains of tears on her cheeks. She was in pain and it could be seen very clearly on her face even when she was asleep. She looked like an broken angel. The angel which he broke.
He was not sure how will he face her after she open her beautiful eyes. How will he meet her eyes ? He remembered when he accused her he was filled with venom and she saw him looking at her with hatred and disgust.

His anger always took worst out of him. And now he was regretting his actions. His mother who was aware of his anger issues, advised him not to let his anger overpower him so much that he loses his sense to distinguish between right and wrong. He was really regretting, not working on his mother's advice.

What is done is done now. I cannot change it. I cannot reverse the time and take back my words back even when I wish to. But what I can do now is control my anger issues and work on how to gain her apology. Yes, this is what I am going to do now.. I am going to redeem what I have done. And if she wants me to suffer hell, I am even ready for it.

He thought and slept while sitting on the chair beside her while holding her hand.


I woke up with an excruciating pain in my head. I felt like my brain will explode anytime soon and I am feeling like I am up with fever because my whole body is paining.

I was about to sit up when I felt like someone was holding my hand. I looked around and saw Mir holding my hand. Why is he sleeping in this uncomfortable chair ? But then everything drawned upon me. Last night..... Zaid...Him accusing me of having an affair with zaid behind his back... Him questioning my character... Accusation of taking advantage of his love.... Slowly, but I was remembering everything. I was reliving those horrible moments again.

It is getting suffocating for me to stay in the same room as him. I can't bear hatred towards me by another person. I tried to get up from the bed but that  woke him up cause he was holding my hand while sleeping.

I quickly snatched my hand from his. His touch burns me. I am feeling dirty with his touch. So, I started limping towards the bathroom to remove his touch from me. I felt a wave of dizziness hitting me but before I touch the ground I was saved by him.

"Dhyaan se." He said.

(Be careful.)

I pushed him hard and ran towards the bathroom. I turned on the shower. Water cascaded down my body, removing his touch.

But how are you going to remove the accusations on you ? Remember he accused of having an affair. You are a cheater.

"Nahi hu-hum bewafa nahi hai. Hum nahi hai bewafa suna aapne. Humne kisi ke saath bewafaai nahi ki hai. Hum nahi hai beawafa.."

(No, I am not a cheater. I have not cheated on you. I have not cheated anyone. I am not a cheater....)


Mustafa ran after her towards the bathroom. She was standing under the shower and was scrubbing her body vigorously. She was crying, mumbling that she is not a cheater. She was repeatedly chanting it like a mantra. It was as if she was in a trance.

Jaan-E-Mustafa Where stories live. Discover now