35: Who's boss?

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(Alex's P.O.V)

I was standing behind a wall near Violet's pack members. Justin and Mace were with them as well. Mace's arm was around Rachel and Justin was sitting next to them. They had a phone on speaker in the middle of them connected to Violet's helmet. Suddenly everyone listening tensed.

"Alpha? What's wrong?" August asks her.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm fine." She answers back, male laughter can be heard from the call. I had to hold back a growl that was trying to rip through my throat.

"Who is that Alpha?" Simon asks her.

"No one." Violet replied too quickly for her to be telling the truth.

"Your lying. Tell us the truth, who did we hear?" Rachel told her sternly.

"You'll find out soon enough, don't worry he's not a threat." Violet told us. He? Who the hell is near her? August voiced my thoughts and Violet just commanded them to leave it alone. I don't like the idea of her being near another male that she won't even tell her pack about. That fact was just adding to my rage, first she runs away from her pack and joins a assassin pack, then she becomes the Alpha of the pack only letting them know that she is the black wolf, after that she has the audacity to come and help us, then ends up being part demon and has to go to hell and starts to get all friendly to the guy to hurt her. Then on top of all of that I figure out that she lied to me about her rank in her pack, now my own pack wants to join hers! I think I have every right to be mad at my mate but now there is a guy near her that she honestly just told her pack that she didn't want to tell them who he was. I don't understand her! I let the growl that was trying to be heard out finally as I storm away and into my office. Leo hated the thought of Violet with another. I hated the idea to.

If Violet's going to be a bitch to me and not accept that I regret rejecting her then I'll just have to show her who is the boss in this mate bond.

(Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter a longer one will be next. I wanted to show how Alex feels and I got some writers block in the middle of it.... Oops. Anyways!!! What do you guys think of Alex? Who do you think is by Violet? And what do think will happen next???? Remember to comment it really does help me when I'm in writers block and to keep me updating!)

Alpha...... You rejected me. Remember?Where stories live. Discover now