44: Long live the Queen and King

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(Violet's P.O.V)

It took a few weeks for everything in my pack to settle and for the tense atmosphere that enveloped the pack when Logan walked around to disappear.

In two days my heat would start. We figured out that I hadn't gone into it with Alex because I had already met Logan, my body had already decided it would be with Logan thus it didn't go into heat around Alex. My pack knew me and Logan haven't mated or marked each other. So they respected us and kept away from us until we completed our mating, I don't think they wanted to be killed by a jealous mate.

I was out by the a lake sitting down with my feet in the water. I was content as I already finished all my alpha duties for the day and was now relaxing waiting for my mate to finish with his daily workout. I leaned back into a warm embrace as strong arms wrapped around me.



"How long until the coronation? My demon is getting restless."

"Not long, we'll go down after we mate and you get the royal marks." I told him with a quick kiss to his cheek. A demon who has newly found their mate and mating to said person will change the class its in it gets very restless until their proper title is awarded to them no matter if it is a downgrade or an upgrade. Demons will also take on the female title and last name. When me and Logan are mated and have done the coronation in hell then he will become; Logan King, King of the underworld along side his Queen, Violet King. Logan smiled and hugged me close.

"You're the best mate I could have ever asked for. I don't deserve you." He muttered in my ear. I pull back a small bit being sure to stay close enough to satisfy him.

"So you'd let me go if a more 'worthy' person came along?" I raised my eye brow at him. He growled possessively and pulled me flush against him.

"No way in hell I'd let that happen."

"That's what I thought, so stop saying that stuff. You're my mate that's that." I smiled at him.

~3 days later~

My heat had came and went smoothly. My Alpha house now reeked of pheromones and sex. My pack respected the heat and didn't come closer then two miles, Simon took care of the pack and the pack stayed orderly. No Rouge attacks or creeps phone calls. Today we are going down to hell after I mark Logan so we can do our coronation. I'm bringing Simon, August, Rachel, Jean, and Adam. I'm hoping to find Adam's mate soon, considering his sisters was a wolf then I think his is too.

"Princess. What's wrong? Are you okay?" Logan asked me bringing me out of my thoughts. I nodded and absentmindedly looked at him then his neck. On the left side sat my wolf mark, (it was a proud silver wolf with a black wolf that was tucking its head under the silver wolfs neck, protecting it) proving that our wolves are completely mated. On the right side it was blank that was where our demon marks will sit. Our wolf marks are almost Identical, the only difference being which wolf was protecting the other, on his it was the black wolf protecting the silver on mine it was the silver wolf protecting the black.

"I'm fine, just thinking. I need to mark you before we go down, preferably now." I told him. His eyes darkened and he nodded carefully. It was dangerous for high ranking demons to mark each other, the higher the demons rank the more aggressive they can be when marking. When a royal guard once tried to mark her mate she ripped out his throat by accident not realizing how hard she was biting.

"Okay, then mark me. I trust you enough not to kill me." He told me trying to hide his unsureness. I looked him in the eyes, he had only a little hesitation in them, he trusted me that was for sure, but he was also scared. I stepped close to him and pushed him back until he hit the wall behind him. I nuzzled my nose into his neck as I took in his sent. My fangs slowly came out and suddenly my instincts kicked in. I couldn't stop as my fangs not so gently buried themselves into neck. A growl of pain sounded from him but it did nothing to stop my fangs from tearing deeper into his neck. I wanted to pull away but I was helpless in doing so. I heard a door slam open and heavy foot steps approaching.

Alpha...... You rejected me. Remember?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora