chapter 41: I'm so screwed.

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(Alex's P.O.V)

I ran as fast as I possibly could away from the grimy, matted wolf that was chasing me. After me and Lilly were forced out of the pack we had to retreat into rogue territory. Lilly was immediately killed when the first rouge's came. I had escaped but I was wounded. I was clawed five times in my side and my left ear was cut off. That was days ago. I felt my dry blood matt my fur and dirt settle into it. I knew I couldn't run much longer, I had already been running for the entire day non stop.

I ran untill I was on the edge of a lake. Both me and leo had never learned to swim. I tucked my tail between my legs as I heard the rouges come closer. In this moment I made three fatal mistakes.

Mistake one: I refused to bow my head to them and beg for mercy.

Mistake two: I ignored my physical condition, my fatigue, hunger, dehydration, and wounds.

Mistake three: I underestimated their numbers.

A growling wolf came forward, he was bigger then the others but still smaller then me. I stood my ground and growled back. It wasn't as powerful as it used to be, it lost the alpha tone behind it. Now it has the tone of an Omega. The wolf shot forward and grabbed onto my neck going for a kill strike. My wolf form collapsed and I went limp in his jaws, I felt them tighten around me as I whimpered. I was going to die, by a rouge's jaws.

'Who's fault is that?' my wolf snarled at me.
'It's Violet's fault. If she hadn't been my mate then this wouldn't be happening. I would have been happy with a strong mate and still the alpha of my pack.' I snarled back. Leo growled at me.
'it is not her fault you pathetic human! It's your fault! You shouldn't have rejected her and you shouldn't have fought for her! I'm disgusted and ashamed to be your wolf. I rather have been placed as an Omega then be your wolf.' He yelled at me. I was shocked. No wolf was ever ashamed to be with their human. It was unheard of. I closed my eyes and waited for death. I still fully blame Violet for putting me in this position. It was her fault. Not mine.

I heard two growls, one of powerful wolf and one of a different species I couldn't put my finger on. I cringed think it was the one that had me in his jaws. But that wolf was ripped from me. I fell the the ground and helplessly watched as one wolf powered through each rouge. I was saved, maybe he will take me in and I can become the alpha of their pack? I mean Violet did it. So can I, I'm much stronger then her. I'm the alpha male she's a alpha female. What could she do against me? My two saviours turned to me and immediately all my hope vanished. One was a demon and the other was a wolf. It was Simon and Sean.

"Fuck." I mumbled out. "I'm so fucking screwed."

(Hey guys! Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed! Remember to comment it really helps me!)

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