4 : The Concert and First Win

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It's already the year of 2015 and Y/N already in her second year of senior high school. Last year, BTS held a concert in 6 different cities. She cannot attend all of it but she attend the one in Seoul. What she can say is that they're all really powerful.

It is sad seeing her brother cry in the backstage. She can't help but to join him. But it's a cry of happiness and joy. She's happy as long as her brother is. Currently they're busy preparing for the comeback, the Japan Tour and they're gonna be holding a concert in Korea again in March. She can't wait to attend the concert, but she can't wait to see him too.

It's been a month since Y/N last saw Seokjin. He rarely replied her message but she understand him. It's hard to have a good work life balance, especially when you're an idol.

All those time, Y/N become closer with Jimin. He's really mature and like Y/N's own older brother, except that he's not childish like her 'real' brother. Jimin always wanted to have a younger sister, so they get along well.

At first, Y/N thought that she will be close to Jungkook, since they're the same age. But even though Y/N is the same age as Jungkook, but she can't seems to get close to the boy. It feels like everytime she go near him or try to start a conversation, he start to freeze and go as red as a tomato.

Last night Y/N texted Jimin. Y/N usually text him if her brother doesn't text her back. She know that her brother doesn't text her back if he's having a hard time. Seokjin doesn't want to worried her little sister, so he always keep it all to himself, not wanting to show his weak side to the younger girl.

Apparently Jimin said that Seokjin are working really hard because he thinks that he's still lacking in either dancing and singing. Y/N heart sank. She know that her brother is amazing and he is doing his best. But he think that he's still lacking, he wants to show his fans the best he ever been.

Y/N hesitate to whether text her brother or not, and then decided to. She doesn't really care if he replied or not. She wanted to cheer him up, telling him that he's the best brother she ever have (Sorry Seokjung oppa). Y/N then decided to text him.

To : Seokjinnie oppa
From : Your dongsaeng

Oppa, fighthing! I know you can do it! Don't get hurt okay!

I love you <3

Y/N just stare at her phone as the message send and then proceed to do her homework. She know that at this time, her brother is still having dance practice so he won't be able to replied her soon.

11.11 pm

Y/N just finished her homework, she take a look at her phone. No new message

They should've done with the practice now, but she just shrug as she's about to head to sleep before she heard her phone rang.

It was her brother, calling her. Why? He rarely call her, at least not in this time.


"H-hey little thing. I'm sorry you must've preparing to go to sleep right now"

"No it's okay. What's wrong oppa?"

Y/N heard the other line sighed "Nothing, I just want to hear your voice. I miss you.."

"I miss you too oppa. So so much"

"H-hey Y/N"

Y/N hum in response.

"Y-you think I'm suitable to become an idol?"

"..I-I don't think I have the talent. I start to realize that sometimes working hard is not enough" Seokjin continued.

This is the first time her brother ever said that. During his trainee days, she never saw him sad, he always smile and laugh everytime he saw her. They're not really tell each other problems. Y/N realizes that maybe that's because of Seokjung. Both of her brother are really close to each other, they would always be there for each other, talking about each other concerns and problems, and comforting each other. Y/N rarely join their conversation when they're having their serious talk, maybe because she's still too young for that and the older brothers doesn't want to include her in 'adults' problem.

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