Reason number seven

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After this chapter, there are three chapters left. Countdown? YEP.


Reason 7.



"Hey, Pete," I hugged peter, we planned to go to a diner next to our house to have some breakfast.

"Wassup, dawg?" He hugged me back.

"Why are you speaking like that?" I laughed at how stupid he sounded.

"Don't ask me why just tell me if you wanna hit me up latehh tonight," he winked at me.

"Okay, what is wrong?" I asked, sitting down.

"I'm trying to practice," he replied.

"Practice for what?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"I want to ask my crush out," he blushed.

I laughed, "oh, is little peter finally asking Maggie out?"

His face fell, "Maggie who? I'm asking Zoey out."

For those who don't remember - or don't know - Maggie and Zoey are my best friends.

"What? What? What?!!! Maggie has a crush on me?! Zoey will reject me because Maggie is her best friend," Peter groaned. "Zoey, why didn't you tell me about this? Why didn't you tell me about Maggie? I should've told her that I don't like her that way."

"So you would rather reject someone than getting rejected?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "That's not how men do it, nor do women or girls! If you don't want to feel shitty, then don't let others feel it too."

"So, this is my fault now?" Peter murmured. "I don't know where I went wrong!"

"Where you went wrong? You were ready to reject Maggie, when you didn't even want to be rejected by Zoey," I explained. "I'm so over boys, like you! Like Elliot! Like Xavier! Like Aaron! And most importantly, LIKE LUCAS!"

"I-I am so sorry, Mal," Peter frowned. "I was selfish, I was thinking about my feelings, I know that you always put others before you, but don't blame it on me when I put me first."

"Oh, and by the way, if you want to talk to Zoey, do not mention the whole hit me up crap, and just go with 'do you want to go out with me?' Because Zoey likes it simple."


The whole fight with Peter made me realize that anything can change, I just didn't want Maggie to be hurt.

I closed my eyes as I laid down on my bed, after today; I don't want to fight with Peter anymore. We only fought because of stupid things, but this is a first. This is the first time I've ever fought with him over some people.

Suddenly, I heard knocks coming out of my window, I sat up and looked for the perfect weapon. I grabbed my bag and walked slowly to the window. I opened it and screamed at the sight of Lucas.

He started laughing, "Oh my- oh my god! HAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU GOT SCARED!"

"Who wouldn't?!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down, what's up with you today? Trust me, I don't mean why are you mad because you're always mad... why didn't you come to school?" He asked as he climbed inside.

I sat on the edge of my bed, "I wasn't in the mood."

"I have the perfect place for you," he held my hand as he dragged me down the stairs, and out the door. What stood in front of me shocked me, I didn't know Lucas had a motorcycle, and I was happy to ride on it.

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