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Welcome, everyone to the spinoff book in the knight series and first book in the Hernandez series. I'm so excited and I hope you guys are too, we will be venturing into the life of Sophia Knight and James Hernandez. Yes, James is from a Spanish background.

Knight series

*Arrange Marriage (completed )

Hernandez series

*Her bodyguard

And if you like werewolves books you can check out

The Alpha's Hunter


Sophia's POV

"As I sat amongst my fellow student, I can say I did it, we did it. We pulled through, we made it through high school. I know it hasn't been all rainbow and sunshine of everyone but I know that when we looked back at what we went through and what we have achieved now, we notice that it was all worth it. It's worth seeing how proud our parents are of us, how proud we are of ourselves. But now it's not about high school anymore, we will be starting off on a new adventure. We'll be starting university or the life of work, I don't know where life is going to lead us now but I just want to say may you all achieve anything you put your mind to. To the senior class of 2016, may God be with you. "

And with that I ended my speech, I am the valedictorian for my graduation. I looked at my parents as the beam at me with side similes on their faces, mom's eyes were filled with tears. I got my mother blonde hair and height while getting my sea blue eyes from my dad. And my big brother Marcus sitting beside them in all his handsome glory, I felt sorry for all the girls in the world that fall for his charm. My darling brother inherited his father  good physique and beautiful jet black hair and to top it off he had mom's grey eyes. Beside him sat his best friend and my fifteen-year-old self's crush, JAMES HERNANDEZ. He sat there looking beautiful and all with his light brown hair and hazel eyes. The girl here we're particularly during after him and I would too if I didn't now James like the back of my hand. James wasn't the guy who stick to one girl.

Later on, I would wish I remembered that.

I know what you guys are going to say but let me just say this is just the beginning. More long chapters to come.


1. What do you think of Sophia so far??

2. Are you one of the girls drooling after James??


What's your middle name??
I know a lot of people don't like their middle name but I'm one of the odd flew who like one. Mine is, TONIQUE.

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