25- Not an apology

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Sophia's POV

Two months later

It's been two months since James broke my heart, I can't believe how time moves so fast. The first month pasted awfully slow, that was the month when I was at my worst. After Marcus' surprise visit, I left kate's and went on a month-long vacation to Huawei.

I needed a break from everyone and everything. I couldn't open my social media accounts without some reporter trying to get a scoop or seeing my face in every newspaper. I couldn't even step out of my apartment without the press all up in my face.

And what made matters worse, Marcus was trying to convince me to talk to James, like what the hell, wasn't he the one that wanted to kill the man for crying out loud. I don't know what inspires the change of heart but there is no way in hell I will give James the time of the day.

But even the distance didn't seem to work, I still thought about him a lot, I cried, I refuse to eat, threw personal hygiene through the window. I lost myself, I was so used to James, used to our relationship, used to being dependent on someone and he was gone, I didn't know what to do. It was so bad that Katelyn had flown to Huawei and talk some sense into me and I was grateful, I needed it, needed some tough love. If she didn't, I would still be in a bed somewhere feeling sorry for myself and hiding from everyone.

So a week after kate's visit we went back to New York, things have cooled down, the press still swamps me but not as much as before, others finding to a new hot topic to gossip about.

James didn't stop, he wanted to talk to him, wanted me to hear him out. I didn't understand why he was now free to live the bachelor's life that he loved so much without having to hide it from his 'girlfriend '. If he thought I would be a fool for the third time he made a sad mistake. I've learned, I may have not learned the last time but I learned my lesson now. I was done with James Hernandez. I was done with his shit.

I put in all of my energy and time into planning my best friend's dream wedding.

And today was the day.

I woke up super early this morning, the day was here, Kate was getting married. She was so excited for this day that she refused to sleep last night but of course, she had to because no bride wanted to show up on her wedding day with bags under her eyes.

I looked to see kate sleeping peaceful, her hand was rested on her huge belly.

I went and check on everything making sure everything okay and ready for this special day. Then I went back to the room, kate has just woken up.

"Good morning," she said upon seeing me

"Good morning, how are you feeling "

"Nervous, excited, happy," she said. "I can't believe today is the day, I'm gonna marry the man of my life "

"I'm so happy for you "

"Thank you and I want you to be happy too" she continued"how are you doing really?"

"I'm coping, I'll be fine "

"Have you talked to James " I groaned

"No and I don't want to I just to forget about James, after the wedding I'm moving back to London "

"London, Sophia you know that you can keep running away from your problems, talk to James, find out if he really did that, in any relationship you have to have trust and communication. Did James ever say he cheated on you?"

"He didn't have to say it kate, you know his history as well as I do "

"Yes I know his history, meaning his past, people change "

"Not James "

"As least-"

"Katelyn drop it, I don't want to talk to James, I not ready yet and I don't think I'll be ready anytime soon," I said, vulnerability slipping into my voice

"I'll drop it "

"Thank you "

Kate's wedding was amazing, the ceremony was beautiful and so emotional, everyone was in tears. At the reception, everyone was happy, I was glad everything went as plan and kate had the time of her life. They were currently on their honeymoon in Singapore, kate wanted to travel for a while before the baby came so after two weeks in Singapore, then one week in Paris and lastly two weeks in Barbados.

I said goodbye to everyone yesterday promising to visit on birthdays, holidays and whenever I was free.

I was currently on my way to board the family's private jet when I heard someone familiar calling my name.

"Sophia " I looked around and say, James, my heart started to beat rapidly, I cruse myself for still responding to him.

"What do you want, " I said coldly

"I know you do want to see right now and that everything I want to say you're not going to believe it but please I'm begging you. Please hear me out, if you don't, believe me, it's your choice but least listen " he had a determined look on his face and I knew he wouldn't leave until I hear him out.

"You have five minutes"

"Oh, thank God, I'm so happy that you gave me this chance. You down know how much times I wanted to approach, how much times I wanted to see you-"

"Four," I said interrupting his little rant.

"Yeah, I know that sorry isn't enough for you to forgive me but I haven't come here to seek forgiveness " I was taken back by his words, he has the audacity to cheat on me and won't admit it and apologize "and before you get angry, I just want to say that I didn't cheat on you, Lenna was just an old fling that ended way before we got back together. I never ever thought of cheating on you and Ill never will. I love you, and I mean ever words. It's you and its always been you. You know the funny thing is that I never thought I would fall in love, I never thought I worth being loved by someone. But here I am head over heels in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I hope that you feel the same way too "

I wanted to believe him, I wanted to believe him so badly. Apart of me wanted to hold him tight and never let him go but the other part of me, the part that is still hurt wants me to get away from him, she fears that if she allows herself to get hurt by James again there won't be any coming back.

"Do you believe me?" he said, his emotions were out for me to see: pain, venerability, love. Who do I listen to, should I believe him or should I leave.

It seems that I picked the latter because before I knew it I was seated in the jet ready for take-off.


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One more chapter left to go and I don't want to be cruel, so the next chapter will be out later on in the night.

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