13-Camp fire blues

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James left shortly after breakfast after the conversation we had everthing just went south. For the whole two hours i tried to remember what we did but nothing . I was currently on my way to the lounge where we are going to meet up .

When I arrived James and Trudy was already there. She was all over him and it hurt me because he wasn't pushing her away . He suddenly looked up and pushed her away when he saw me .

"Hey" he said , I turned my face away , not wanting any of them to see the tears in my eyes .

"Hey, what you guys up to " I said surprised that my voice wasn't shaking .

"Oh, just chilling" Trudy said running her hand up and down his stomach , I hated her , I hated everything about her . He just sat there watching me send death glares at trust, he looked amused . I knew James was a playboy boy but looked like over the years it's gotten worse . I never understood why guys liked the thought having a lot of girls made them more of a man .

"Cool" I said , we say there for about ten minutes, Trust and James up to his knows what and I on my phone trying to avoid looking at the two . I was so relief when Kate and the rest of the gang walked in . Kate saw them , then looked at me giving me a nervous simile .

She walked up to me and whisper in my ears " I truly regret inviting them " I similed telling her I was okay when I'm reality I wasn't . I just didn't want her to worry and think it's her fault . It's not her fault that James has to be drunk of his knickers to notice me or that his a certified jerk .

"So today we will be having a scavenger hunt, each team will consist of two " Kate announced

"Kasi and Ben, Derrick and Chole , Jason and I , Trudy and Asia , and James and Sophia " I silently curse Kate , I know what she's doing and it's about time she sees that it's not going to work . Trust and kasi looks so disappointed that they weren't paired with James and were sending me death glares .

Everyone exited the room with their list of things to find . I looked to see James staring at me , every time we are alone it gets weirder and weirder .

He got up slowly and got our list . " Lets go and win this thing " I smiled, he knew how competitive i was and how I loved to win

"Yeah, let's go win this" I said exiting the room .


It's been a hour and we have found 13 out of 20 of the things on our list . The next thing was this weird flower that I think doesn't even exist in this region of this forest. We have been searching for ten minutes now and we still can't find it , I was getting agitated , something that happen when I don't get want I want . Sucks , I know .

James was walking in front of me and I have to say the only upside to this scavenger hunt is that I get the stare at James' beautiful ass all day .

James stops all of a sudden and I run into him because I wasn't focusing on anything but his ass.

"I think this is it " he says with a big simile on his face , I loved how happy he looked . We were so close to each other now , so close that we could almost kiss.

And that's when it all hit me , that's when I remembered , remembered what happened last night , James and I kissed


We all gathered together at the meeting place , the winner was the groom and bride. Even though i wanted to win so badly , the only thing on my mind was that I kissed James . I kept my distance from him after I remembered . He gave me strange looks but I didn't care , I can't believe I kissed him again after I swear that I wouldn't. James will ruin me if I got too close , he has done it before and he has the power to do it again .

"So everyone why don't you guys get freshen up and meet back her in about 2 hours for a night under the stars "

I quickly got up not wanting to face James again .

Two hours later we all sat in front of a camp fire singing and laughing and having a good time . It was great to see everyone together so happy .

"Hey, let's play another game. So everyone has to tell at least one thing that they regret " Derrick announce

It goes around and around each person telling one thing they regret in life . It was finally my turn

"Sophia , your turn "

"What I regret , well I regret....a mistake I made two years ago " I said , no one pressed me to tell the mistake and I was grateful.

"The last man is James "

" I regret deeply that I said it was a mistake " he said staring stare into my eyes

Oh my God , did he really mean that .


There you go , I hope you like it. Sorry for the late update , I'm sick and I tried to get a chapter out for you guys .

So enjoy

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