1-Drunken Mistake Part 1

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After another hour and I half, I was finally a graduate. I walked up to my family, my mother looked stunning in her blue knee-length dress. Dad was on her right and Marcus on her left, both in a blue suit with a yellow tie. They wanted to match my gown do that my graduation pictures would be perfect, mom's word not mine. Besides Marcus was James in a yellow button-up shirt and blue tie, his hair was perfectly jelled back. God, he looked mouth-watering,  what hell am I saying.

"Sweetheart, that was perfect. We're so proud of you " my dad said and hugged me, mom was next in line, I was an inch taller than her but in the heels, she wore she beat me.

"Oh my babies are growing up," I said pulling Marcus and me into a big bear hug, someone clucked behind us and I saw that it was James.

"Oh you come here too," mom said letting go of us to hug James.

"Alright, Mrs.Knight," he said, his Spanish accent slipping ever so offend.

"How many times do u have to tell you to call me Hope "

"Alright Ms. Hope" he teased

"Hey kid," he said to me, I use to hate when he called me that, who am I kidding I still do.

"Hey, Jamie " the nickname I gave him when I was three, he and my brother have been BFFs seen they have been in diapers.

"Congrats," he said to me, mom and dad went to talk to my teachers and principal. Then I saw someone came up behind me, it was auntie amber and uncle dave's daughter Kate.

"Hey Jamie," Kate said batting her eyes at James, Kate knew about the crush I had for him. And when I told her I got over it she laughs and said that I would never get over him. And from that day, she's been tried to make me realized that my feeling never went away. To her, we were the perfect couple. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"Hello kate " he smirked

"Are you coming to our after graduation celebration?" she asked

"Yeah, ill be there"

"Then it's a date" James smiled and walked away from us saying he was going to find my brother. I rolled my eyes again, really a date. This girl was really getting on my nerves now. When I looked at kate, she was smirking at me.

"What," I asked why was she exact annoying today

"Nothing " she continued " let's go party

We went to my house to get ready, the club was only an hour drive from I live and because the ceremony ended thirty minutes after six. We had three hours to get ready, and that wasn't enough time for kate.

After three hours of getting ready, we were finally ready. We got into one of my cars and drove off.

We had no difficulties getting into the club, we had VIP passes. Once we stepped in the smell of sweat, perfume and alcohol filled my nostrils. We made our way to the bar, after an hour or so of drinking and dancing I decided to sit down. I didn't want to get wasted, I just wanted to drink a little and have fun. I made my way up to the bar, ordering a bottle of water from the bartender. I sat there watching the people on the dance floor, kate was dancing with this redhead guy and for some weird reason, they looked good together.

"Here you got" he put down a bottle of water on the table along with a drink.

"Sorry, I didn't order this. It's from the guy over there " he pointed to a guy that was sitting four seats away from me. I took I sip of it because it would be rude of me if I rejected it. I moaned when the cool drink touched my tongue, I have never tasted this before but I was instantly in love

"I see you're enjoying your drink,"  a voice said from behind me, for some strange reason the voice sounded formally. I looked around and gaped at the sight


"Sophia," he said he was maybe shocked that his next target was his best friend's sister. He mumbled 'shit' under his breath, his eyes were trained on me.

Well this is one thing I didn't expect tonight


There you guys go chapter 1, I promise drama for the next chapter.

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