Dating a Stranger (Soobin)

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About: Your ex-boyfriend stood you up. And broke up with you. An attractive stranger helps you make this less awkward.
Includes: Fluff
Trigger Warnings: None
[Requested Imagine?] ✔️



I can't believe this is actually happening

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I can't believe this is actually happening.
I closed my phone and blankly stared at the empty seat in front of me.
Dang it. Why can't I find anyone who wants me?

I have been sitting on the same table for an hour and people keep giving me pitiful glances. I felt myself sinking deeply into my chair.

Is there something wrong with the people I date?

Or is there something wrong with me?

I dried my eyes every moment I felt them watering up. It wasn't the first time I was broken up with. Nor the first time did I receive the news through a text message. But yet, I was still heartbroken. No matter how much I truly loved the person or not. It always hurt me like I wasn't enough.

"Hey, babe! Sorry that I'm late!" I turn to the sound of the sweet, deep voice and see a boy I've never met before. I was a little startled by a stranger acting like I was his girlfriend. But before I could say anything, he immediately leaned in for a hug and whispered into my ear, "Just play along. People are looking."

I nodded and hugged him back, my response was clear, "It's okay! You're here now."

He winked at me, which makes my heart skip a beat considering he looked pretty cute, and he took the seat in front of me. I noticed that people stopped paying attention to me. I looked back at my "boyfriend", the stranger.
"Why did you-"

"I don't know what kind of idiot didn't show up to your date but I couldn't stand to watch you on your own tonight."

I blinked and smiled shyly, "Thank you. My name is Y/n."

"I'm Soobin." He grabbed the menu, "Since I'm invading this date, I'll be paying."

My cheeks flushed as I chuckled, "Oh, you don't have to!"

"No, I insist!"

After we ordered, he broke the ice, "So... tell me about yourself?"

It felt refreshing to talk about myself. I was always a listener and I've dated a lot of arrogant guys. They really like talking about themselves so I learned to shut up. But our whole conversation didn't revolve around me. I got to know the stranger I was "dating" a lot better.

"Here's your order."

I thanked the waiter but my face went white when I realized I'd eat in front of Soobin. I felt hesitant at first but I knew it would be so awkward if he watched me stare at my plate. So, I took small bites.

"Are you not hungry?" He asked.

I deeply sighed, "No, I'm starving, man."

"Then eat until you're satisfied. I won't judge." He reassured me but I hesitated.

"I eat like a pig... That's what people say. No one will love me."

He shook his head, "Don't day that. If you aren't yourself, then people will only love the person they wanted. If that's how it is, then I'm sorry but no one will ever love you."
Then he surprised me by stretching his cheeks, "My cheeks are kinda chubby when I eat." He took a bite of his food and he proved himself right. Heck, he was adorable...

I giggled and gave in, "Fine, I'll eat comfortably." And that's what I did. I was enjoying my meal so much that when I looked up to see Soobin. Who was staring at me.

I swallowed and blushed, "See? It's weird-"

He blinked and his eyes widened, "Huh? Oh! Sorry, no, it's not that it's... nothing."


His cheeks turned red and he softly chuckled, "You look... cute."

My heart started racing. "I... Thank you? What?"

He laughed at our awkward situation and I joined him. It was pretty funny. The night continued to be as fun.

Today, I still think about that amazing night.
I've been on multiple dates and had multiple (bad) boyfriends.

But even if Soobin wasn't my first date nor my first boyfriend.

The ring that shines on my finger reminds me that he was my last boyfriend.

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