Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Ethan was sitting in his office when his assistant inform him of his father's arrival. Soon, his father came in and took a seat across him. The father and son resemblance was significantly visible. His broad shoulder and tall physique were almost identical to Ethan. The strong features and brown hair was similar except for Ethan's blue eyes while his father's eyes were grey. Although there are a few strands of silver grey hair against his dark brown hair, there was no doubt that he was a good-looking man.

"I hope you have settled the problem with the Jenkin project. I expect no less from you." He stated.

"Yes father, it is done. I met them earlier this morning. They are going to deal with the root of their problem which is Russell." He revolted.

"You shouldn't be facing this problem if you're attentive, Ethan. I still question whether you're ready to take over this empire." He scoffed demeaning his only heir.

"I have expanded many branches and dealt with countless partners, father. There will always be problems and I've always fixed it. I know what I'm doing. Don't keep on treating me like a kid who knows nothing." He fumed trying to control his anger.

"Yes, yes. Just don't let this kind of thing slide under your nose again. Be careful of that Cale, he's just like his father, manipulative. They'll try their hardest to bring us down. They just seem to forget that we are a Loyd. Remember, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. And come visit us if you aren't too busy, will you, son. Your sister just arrived from London last night and kept asking for you." He said standing up from his chair.

"Yes, I'll call her, father." He stood up walking his father out of his office. His father built the Loyd empire, a well-known luxury chain hotels all around the world and stockowner of various corporations. Ethan has expanded the empire ever since he took over his father as the CEO of Loyd's corporation. Despite his mother leaving him at the age of 10, his father raised him to be strongminded, resilient and determined to prepare him for the harsh world. He did not have a normal childhood like other children, his mother was not present to nurture him and feed him love instead his father has been stern towards him since young. Thus, Ethan focused on his work and felt burdened to make the empire greater than it already was to proof to his father through his success. He does not tolerate any mistakes which can affect the outcome of his company. He cannot make mistakes or the downfall will be substantial.

"Zach, you busy tonight? Want to grab a drink? I'll meet you at our usual place at 8 alright." He called his cousin.


"What happened, A?" Audrey asked her friend who was sobbing relentlessly as she took a seat beside her at the bar.

"He's a lying, cheating bastard! That's what happened, Dree! I hate him! How could he do this to me!" Ava provoked, gulping on her drink and ordered another glass of gin and tonic.

"What! What happen exactly?"

"I went to his place wanting to surprise him as this is our one year anniversary. Not only did he forget, he has the balls to cheat on me with some girl. It's our freaking anniversary, Audrey! He promised that he'd never cheat on me again. I trusted him! How could he do this to me!" She wept while her friend tried to give her comfort by hugging her.

"Hush... I know, I know. To be honest, I really don't like him from the beginning Ava. He cheated on you once before. He doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone better, who can treat you right. You're an amazing woman. Don't lower yourself for someone who doesn't appreciate you. Remember that." She gave her friend another hug.

"Yeah I know, Dree. It's just that... it hurt so bad. I've been good to him. But I'm done!" She scoffed as she clicked her drink to her friends.

"So forget him! He doesn't even deserve your tears, Ava." She exclaimed and they downed their shots of tequila. Ava ordered rounds of tequila shots while Audrey tried to slow her friend down. Ava was drunk and kept on asking for more shots but her friend tried to withheld her but then she started yelling.

"That's enough Ava. Come on let's get you home. We'll drink again tomorrow. Come on." She whined to her friend while trying to balance herself, she was feeling tipsy herself.

"Didn't expect to meet you here, Miss chef." Ethan said with a smirk.

"Hello Mister Ethan Loyd! My insolent ex-boss! What a surprise to see you here!" She said almost toppling down but was caught by him quickly.

"You're drunk, Miss chef." He claimed looking at her clumsy self and couldn't help but smirk at her honest insults which he knew she would regret immediately once she realized she said it when she was sober.

"No! I'm not. Don't always think negatively, Mr Loyd." She pointed at him as if she was scolding a naughty child.

"Clearly, you can't even stand properly." He pointed as she was still holding onto him for support which she lets go immediately trying to balance herself.

"I don't have to proof anything to you. Now, I have to go back to my friend who just got her heart broken by you, inconsiderate and heartless men." She spun looking for her friend who was laying her head on her folded arms sleeping.

"Ohh no, no, no! Don't sleep, Ava! We have to get home! And then you can sleep!" She tried pulling her friend up but was not able to.

"Come on, I'll send you home." He helped her friend up and waved at his confused cousin and walked out of the bar.

"But my car..."

"You can't drive either. My driver can drive your car while I take you both home." He continued walking towards his car. His driver helped them to get in the car and got the keys from Audrey while Ethan drove them home.

"I wasn't about to risk our lives and drive. We could just take a cab, you know. You don't have to send us home." She said softly leaning her head back.

"And risk the both of you to be kidnaped? I'll miss your savage remarks, Miss chef." He teased glancing at her captivating smile.

"Don't start, Ethan. And thank you." She said looking back at her friend who was sleeping soundly.

"Did I disrupt your date, tonight?" She asked inquisitively.

"Yes, you did." He said leaving a pang of jealousy into her.

"Zach was crying when I left him there alone with a hot blond girl in his arms." He laughed and he parked the car outside their home. He carried her friend into the house and laid her on the bed.

"Thank you so much for your help. Do you want something to drink?" She offered quietly hoping he would stay.

"Sure." He said as he sat on the couch. She made hot tea for both of them and they talked for hours oblivious to the time. 

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