chapter nine: puppy dog mike

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after starling had washed their plates, she went to hug jane goodbye

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after starling had washed their plates, she went to hug jane goodbye. hopper watched, making it a bit awkward for them to kiss.

jane discreetly kissed starlings cheek and starling couldn't help but blush at the soft action. they pulled away and hopper walked towards starling.

"i'm going to talk to you outside for a minute." starlings eyes widened as he stepped outside to the cool night air. jane mouthed something but starling couldn't tell what it was before hopper cleared his throat.

starling turned around and walked outside quickly. it was a bit chilly and starling was cold but she didn't let it affect her.

"so, you and my daughter." hopper lit a cigarette as he stared out at the trees.

"mmhm." starling hummed, standing there awkwardly.

he turned his head to look at the girl. he liked starling. he was proud of el for finding someone that wasn't like mike. that kid drove hopper wild and he could tell starling was different. she was respectful, she can't get her pregnant, and she seems to make eleven very happy. but he wasn't going to let that show.

"listen, kid." he started, "i don't care if you're a girl, the same rules apply. her door is always going to be open three inches, she will always have to be brought back by 9, and if you ever hurt her just remember i am the chief of police. people will believe anything i say. copy?"

starling gulped nervously before nodding.

"copy that sir." she breathed out. hopper sighed, seeing that she was obviously spooked.

"i like you, kid." he confessed. it had eased starling up, but she was still nervous, "goodnight."

she stood there as he walked back inside. starling sighed, rubbing her eyes with her palms and walking down to her car. she looked back to see jane looking at her through the window. she sent her a smile and a wave, to which jane returned.


the boys crowded elevens living room. dustin, lucas, and mike were on the floor leaning against the couch as eleven max and will sat on the cushions. all of their eyes were focused on the screen, just like how they were all night. hopper snored peacefully in his room but was drowned out by the sounds of the television set.

jane yawned, her mind drifting to starling. she wished she was there with her, with her arm around eleven instead of max's.

mike was sitting in betweens elevens legs on the floor. sometimes she'd feel mike resting his head on her knee, and she'd smile softly.

she was glad she was on good terms with the boy. she had a soft spot in her heart for him, since he was there for her to show her the reigns of the real world.  she had confided in him, and put all her trust in him.

of course it hurt when he lied to her, but she couldn't help it. she had forgiven him. it was a silly lie anyways.

but her forgiveness wasn't enough to take him back, and mike needed to realize that.

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