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September 5th

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September 5th

It's the first weekend after school and Tatum was going to spend it babysitting her nephew while her sister went around Forks looking for a job. Tatum loves her nephew, Avery, but she also wanted to hang out with her friend. 

Avery was three years old and was so curious. He constantly got lost or wandered around. Tatum knew this because he adapted it from her. She used to get lost as a kid, still does as a teen, and her sister has always joked that she spent way too much time with her when Bailey was pregnant. 

Tatum and Avery sit on the Fernsby couch, watching a cartoon show that Avery happily sang while bouncing around in Tatum's lap. Avery absolutely loves his auntie and especially loves spending fun time with her. Avery tugs on Tatum's sleeve so she knows he wants to tell her something.


"What?!" Tatum asks in shock. She knew he didn't understand what he said but it still kind of scared her. She takes a moment to try and understand his words before leaning her head back and making an 'o' shape with her mouth. "The forest? Like the one outside?" 

Avery nods happily and scrambles off her lap to grab his shoes. Tatum smiles and sends a text to her sister about where they were going. Tatum slips on her jacket and ties her converse on, double-checking that Avery had his light-up sneakers on correctly. 

"Ready, bubba?" Tatum asks, grabbing his to-go backpack with all the essentials for an adventure. Avery nods his head excitedly and starts stumbling out the house. "Hold on, bubba! I'm not as fast as you!"

The Fernsby's new house was located inside the woods. Unknown to them, it was right in the middle of the vampire and wolf boundaries. Both species could visit and they wouldn't be breaking the contract. But again, that was unknown to them. 

Tatum and Avery begin their trek through the woods and they were honestly loving it. It was a fairly cloudy day but it was still warm outside. The two walked about a mile before finding a small cliff and deciding to carefully climb down the earthy hill. 

Tatum was in charge of tracking their directions and Avery was in charge of where to go. To say the least, the three-year-old was having a lot of fun. The two dance and skip around the woods, playing a game of copycat along the way. 

"Copycat me, Auntie!" Avery giggles loudly while making airplane noises. Tatum copies her nephew and does airplane wings while marking down that they took a left. Avery suddenly stops and scrambles back to his aunt, who is looking at their directions. 

"Auntie! Auntiiiie!" Avery calls with fear. Tatum snaps her eyes from the paper to her nephew. He was definitely scared of something and that made her a bit scared. Tatum pushes Avery behind her and slowly creeps towards the thing that scared Avery. 

"Shh, Avery. Be quiet and stay behind me,"  Tatum demands of her nephew. A rustling bush in front of the two makes Tatum hold her breath. A twig snaps from behind the same bush and Avery grabs onto Tatum's jacket tightly whimpering a little. 

"Tatum Fernsby?" a smooth voice asks her from behind the bush. It was so familiar and she knew exactly who it was. Of course, he still failed to mention his name to her. She gives him a look of utter disbelief and confusion. Was it really him? Out of everywhere to be and anyone to meet there; it was him.

"History cowboy?"

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