trente neuf

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Carlisle has a problem, taking the girl to his home wasn't the problem. The reaction of a smitten soldier was going to be the real problem. He knew Jasper was going to go bat-shit crazy over the fact that she not only smelled like wolf, but that she got hurt by one too. He had the dark-skinned woman put Tatum's sweater back on her unconscious body. He has major respect for the human he was carrying, he didn't want to trespass any boundaries as she was unconscious.

As Carlisle got closer to his home, he can hear the commotion going on inside the building. Alice was arguing with Jasper and Emmett, Rosalie was grumbling to herself, Esme was calmly sitting on the couch, and Edward was reading right next to her. He can hear the conversation halt as Alice notifies everyone of his presence. He enters the home and has the girl immediately snatched out of his arms, carefully, by Jasper.

"Jasper, be careful. She'll feel it all when she wakes up," Carlisle warns, holding a hand out to his son. Jasper stops moving so fast and takes it slow. He carries her gently and turns to Esme before turning back to Carlisle.

"How long until she wakes up?" Jasper asks with no emotion. Carlisle nervously scratches the back of his neck.

"About 7 more hours, it was homemade chloroform. It was only a little bit so it won't be the normal 48-86 hours," Carlisle says, watching as Jasper's back stiffens. He knew what was happening. Jasper's eyes darken, his posture becomes stick-straight, his feet point outwards, his chest puffs out, and his chin is held towards the sky.

It was the Major in him.

"Now, now, Major. She'll be all right, she really needs Hale right no-"


"Okay, then."


Nine hours later and the Major still hadn't left, but then again, Tatum hadn't woken up yet. She was lying on the bed in Jasper's room. Major was pacing a circle around the bed, making sure that she was okay. The family realized how much she affected him. Not only did she have Jasper so worried that Major came out, but she also had Major so worried that they didn't even know who they were watching pace around.

Alice, of course, took this as the opportunity to try a see Jasper and Tatum's future.

<<Jasper was walking across the high school stage, his graduation cap sitting atop his golden hair. The principal hands him a diploma and shakes his hand, Jasper's grip on the diploma hardening. Carlisle and Esme clap politely as he walks across the other side of the stage. He walks next to Emmett and Rosalie, Emmett places his hand on Jasper's shoulder before whispering something into his ear. "She'd be so proud of you." >>

Alice had never been so scared in her life. She looks at the Major and it was a mistake, he knew something was wrong. He knew it was about her, and he knew that she wasn't going to tell her...willingly. Major storms over to Alice and grabs her shoulder harshly. Edward and Carlisle immediately attempt to get his hands off her shoulders. Alice tells the two to step back and they do so, trusting her.

"What is it?" Major demands.

"The marks will leave a giant scar," Alice lies. Major squints his eyes at her.

"Tell me the truth before I rip your goddamned head off," Major threatens. The family knew he could do it, they didn't want to push him.

"Fine, just let me go," Alice says, watching as the Major immediately lets her go. "I can't see her future anymore."

All hell broke loose.


Two broken chairs and one shattered lamp later, the family had finally gotten Major to calm down. He was currently sitting in a chair right next to Tatum, bouncing his leg very vigorously. It had been four hours passed the estimated time Carlisle said it would take. Major couldn't handle the pressure Jasper was putting on himself. Jasper thought that it was all his fault. Major wanted that to change, he didn't understand why Jasper fell in love with a weak human. She had flaws, very obvious ones, and yet he still loved her so dearly. 

This girl was so confusing to Major. She didn't have beautiful beach blonde hair, she didn't have sky blue eyes, she wasn't super skinny, and she didn't have a big chest. That's what was most popular in the late 1800s. Why did this girl with the dirty water looking hair, strange earthy eyes, a bigger butt, and a small chest affect Jasper so much?

Major looks at the girl. She was sleeping so peacefully, her blushed cheeks intrigued him. Why was her skin so soft looking? She looked like Princess Briar Rose, the sleeping beauty his mother told him stories of when he was a young child. He always thought she would be flawless, but she wasn't. She was right in front of he understood why.

He was staring for so long that he didn't notice her eyes start to open and close. Her earthy eyes squinted with the bright light of the room she was in. Alice was quick to address the newly awaken girl. Major soon following afterward. He sat down next to the girl and softly stroked her cheek, this was way out of the Major's normal. But, he knew that Tatum didn't know their secret so he had to play pretend. 

And surprisingly, it worked.


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