Chapter 10 - Draconic bath

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE DISAPPEARED?!" Shiroi shouted at Reine that was siting in kitchen drinking coffee.

"It looks like he meet a wizard from DEM Industries, made encrypted call and disappeared from our radar" Reine explained "He was also seen with two twins holding his arm and walked into underwear shop with them"

"He... WHAT?!" Shiroi slammed her hand on the table almost spilling Reine coffee.

"Then there was a huge explosion and someone triggered spatial earthquake alarm"

"Do you know who those twins are?" Shiroi sat down with dark expression.

"They were clones of spirit, we later found their dead bodies in changing room with Y/N fingerprints on their necks"


"Also, we later detected huge amount of spirit energy in abandoned factory. Upon investigation we discovered traces of Y/N, DEM wizard he disappeared with, bloody mess that belonged to spirit and trace of person we couldn't identify" Reine took another sip from her mug.

"Any ideas where Y/N could be now?" Shiroi asked "You watched the arena, right?"

"Yes, but whoever was there disappeared like ghost. My best bet is DEM Industries, but knowing Y/N..."

"...He will do something crazy?" Tohka finished "He seems like trigger happy idiot, but he's actually pretty intelligent"

"I think he was just playing idiot" Reine speculated "He is different from other spirits and seems like he know how to live in this world-"

Suddenly someone knocked at doors.

"Coming!" Shiroi walked to doors and opened it.

"I'm back from a walk" Y/N said chilled out.

"Y/N!" She smiled opened doors wider "You're ba-"

Blue haired girl was standing next to Y/N wearing his shirt.

"Who. is. she?" Shiroi smile faded and her expression turned dark.

"Well, you see-..." Y/N tried to explain but a green fluffy ball flew right into him, send him across the street.

"DADDY WHERE YOU WERE?!" Yoshi started to cry.

"Oh, hi Yoshi..." Y/N slowly got up with Yoshi on top of him "Daddy was kinda busy with work"

"S-s-sis?!" Mana looked at Shiroi with tears in her eyes and covered her mouth with hands.

"What-?" Shiroi asked confused.

"SIS!" She jumped on Shiroi and gave her death hug "IS THAT REALLY YOU?!"

"Release me woman..." Shiroi said while trying to breathe "I don't know you..."

"WHAT?!" Mana released her and starting shaking her "I'm your sister, Mana! You don't remember me?"


"What a moving family reunion!" Y/N said while holding Yoshi in his arms.

"Y/N! WHY SHE DONT'T REMEMBER ME?!" Mana asked with tears.

"Because both of you lost memory?" Y/N answered while panting curious Yoshi.

"Wait, how do you know about that?!" Shiroi asked suspicious.

"I've read the bible" Y/N walked inside house.

"Grandma, grandma daddy returned!" Yoshi shouted.

"Yoshi..." Reine clinched her fist "How many times I have tell you that I'm not that old!"

"Wait, what?!" Mana pointed finger at Y/N blushing "You have a daughter?!"

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