Chapter 19 - Friendly fire

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"I'M BACK-" Shiori jumped out of bushes and her vision was obstructed by high velocity volleyball ball.

"Sorry!" Kaguya shouted and ran towards unconscious Shiori.

"Is she still alive after this?" Y/N walked to her with Yuzuri.

"Analysis complete. Still breathing, but possible brain damage" Yuzuri said.

"Please forgive me..." Kaguya said towards Shiori "What should we do?"

"Let's just leave her like that" Y/N shook his arms "She will wake up one day..."

"Y/N!" Kaguya eyes filled with tears "It's not funny!"

"Don't worry, she will be fine" Y/N patted her head and she blushed.

"Sadness. Yuzuru wants pat too" She gave him puppy eyes.

"You're not even sad" Y/N coldly pointed out.

Yuzuru blushed from embarrassment and Kaguya sticked out her tongue at her.

"How about we swim in sea till she wake up?" Y/N proposed and twins nodded.

As they ran towards the sea a soldier sticked his head out of the bushes.

"Bravo six, target neutralized by friendly fire" He said to radio.

"Roger that" Reine answered "Continue the mission and bring target to extraction point"

"Copy. Bravo six, going dark" He dived back into bushes.

Meanwhile Y/N, Kaguya and Yuzuru were splashing water at each other while laughing.

"Take this!" Kaguya splashed water on Y/N.

"You think you can defeat me with that weak attack of yours?" Y/N laughed "Take this!"

He created small tsunami that send twins underwater.

"Ups..." Y/N smirked "That might be an overkill"

He waited for twins to surface for some time, but they didn't

"Fine..." Y/N sighed and walked to place where they disappeared "You can have it your way-"

Suddenly robots with two pairs of tentacles each surfaced all around him, while two of them hold Kayua and Yuzuru.

"So..." Y/N looked at whole situation "How does that escalated into hentai?"

"Y/N!" blond-haired woman in mecha suit suddenly appeared "Surrender and come with us or we will take you by force!"

"Oh hi Ellen" He looked at her "How's the ship?"

"What?!" She looked at him surprised "How did you know me?"

"Of course, I have read the bible" Y/N shook his arms casually

"What the hell you mean by that?!" She pointed gun at him.

"Listen..." He took a deep breath "I have a very nice time, till YOU busted in with your fat ass and tentacle fetish--"

"What did you just said to me you little piece of sh*t?!" She turned red.

"Y/N!" Kaguya shouted "Leave us and run!"

"Translation" Y/N ignored Kaguya and knuckled his fists "I'll wipe the beach with your sorry ass and scrap your friends if you don't get the f*ck out of here right NOW"

"Oh?" Ellen smirked "Big boy wants to fight?"

"Big boy wants to kick your ass!" Y/N pulled out a sword and walked out of water.

"Very well" She landed on the sand and pulled out large laser blade "Let's dance--!"

Y/N suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind her.

"What the-?!" She turned around and barely blocked his attack with blade.

"You just had to block that, do you?" Y/N jumped back and sighed.

She pulled out a cannon and fired at Y/N.

Y/N quickly rolled under the bullets closing the distance and took a swing. Ellen dogged it by jumping over his head and launching a missile at his back

"Y/N!" Kaguya and Yuzuru shouted when missile exploded, and Ellen smirked.

A great arrow pierced mecha arm, missing her arm but still managing to fracture the bones and throw her off the balance.

She fell on the ground and Y/N in full armor and great sword in hands rushed right at her.

Ellen fired four more bullets, but Y/N managed to roll under three and took fourth one without flinching.

Y/N suddenly stomped and hit her with flat side of the sword into stomach, launching her into air and breaking her ribs.

She spitted out blood and crashed on the sand, desperately trying to catch breath.

'I'm sorry...' She though as Y/N was approaching her '...For being such a bad mother'

She closed her eyes and suddenly someone threw a bag between Y/N and her.

Y/N instinctively jumped back and bag exploded covering whole beach in smoke.

"Remember this Ellen!" She felt someone grabbing her "Paddington never forget to repay the favor!"

Robots launched themselves towards Y/N surrounded by smoke and self exploded, while Paddington ran away with Ellen on his back.

"Y/N!" Kaguya rushed towards the beach with Yuzuri "Answer me!"

Soon smoke disappeared revealing disoriented Y/N.

'JESUS, I didn't expect that!' He took a deep breath.

"Y/N!" Twins launched themself at him and pinned him down.

"Relief! You're safe!" Yuzuru crushed his armor with hug.

"Guys... Friendly fire..." Y/N said with last breath and Yuzuri released him.

"Are you trying to finish him off?!" Kaguya scolded her.

"Apologise!" Yuzuri said to Y/N.

"It's fine... Just don't do that again..." Y/N took off his helmet and coughed.

Kaguya and Yuzuru stared stare at Y/N while blushing.

"Wha-?" He tried to ask, but they grabbed him at their lips meet.

Suddenly their bikini started to disappeared and someone put a bag on Y/N head.

"I see you managed to pull it off just fine" Reine walked out of forest escorted by whole commando "I expected nothing less from you"

"Can you take it off already?" Y/N said annoyed.

One of ranges removed the bag and he saw Kaguya and Yuzuru covering themselves with towels, and giving death glares to commando members.

"Don't worry about them" Reine pointed at one of rangers "They're all female"

"Thank god..." Kaguya let out sigh of relief.

"Commander!" Three more female rangers appeared from bushes and saluted Reine "We lost them! Do you want to-"

"Let them go, they learned their lesson" Reine sighed and looked at Y/N "Come with me to my hotel room, we need to talk"

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