Chapter 18 - Bikini wars

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"Y/N did you saw twins...?" Shiori walked into room and saw twins hugging each other in corner "Y/N..."

"Y-yeah?" Y/N woke up "What is it?"

"What did you do to them?" Shiori asked with cold tone.

"Nothing you need to worry about" He yawned and streched out arms.

"Then why they're like this?" She looked at him suspicous.

"They woke up wrong man at wrong time" He stood up "I need to change, so unless you want to help me take twins with you"

"I'll pass" She blushed and took trembling twins with her "Also it's already 11 AM and Reine want you to be on the beach"

"What about breakfast?" Y/N asked.

"You will eat one at beach, so hurry up!" She anwsered and closed the door, leaving Y/N alone.

Y/N changed into swiming trunks and walked outside.

'They're plotting something...' Y/N though as he exited the hotel and headed towards the beach '...Probably a beach episode or something'

He reached the beach where Tohka in bikini was sunbathing on towel.

"Where is everybody?" Y/N aproached her.

"Don't ask me" She anwsered "Reine told me to come and wear this"

"I must admit, she got a good eye" Y/N commented while looking at her bikini.

"She said it matched my hair" Tohka said "Also it's less tight than one Origami gave me..."

"That kinda reminds me, aren't you emberassed to undress in front of guy?" Y/N looked at her suspicous "...Or are you planing on something"

"Of course I'm emberassed to do that!" She blushed "But bikini is not the underwear!"

"I don't understand that logic, but okay" He rolled his eyes and noticed twins, Reine and Shiori, carrying various stuff while wearing bikini "Oh my..."

"Don't stare at me like that!" Shiori blushed and covered her chest with picnic basket she was carring "You never saw a girl in bikini?"

"At least not pretty one" Y/N smiled and Shiori face turned red.

Twins suddenly grabbed his arms

"Question. How you like my bikini?" Yuzuru asked.

"Mine is better, don't you agree Y/N?" Kaguya smirked.

"You look almost identical" Y/N said and Reine facepalmed.

"Let's eat already!" Tohka nagged "I'm hungry for heavens sake!

They set up picnic on the beach and Shiori pulled out bento boxes.

"Hey, aren't those from shop?" Tohka pointed out.

"Yup" Shiori opened her box "I tried to use the kitchen, but they didn't allowed me to cook anything"

"We can go fishing if you want ingredients" Y/N smiled

"HELL NO!" Shiori shouted.

"Why not?" Kaguya looked at her suprsied "It's fun!"

"Curious. Why you're against it?" Yuzuru asked.

"Because Y/N always do something crazy!" Shiori explained "And why you suddenly started act normal? Weren't you trembling from fear like twenty minutes ago?"

"Question. What are you talking about?" Yuzuru looked at her suprised.

"Reine woke us up like ten minutes ago" Kaguya said concerned "Are you felling well, Shiori?"

"Reine..." Shiori suspicous looked at Reine.

"Don't worry, it doesn't have side effects" Reine pulled out coffe can and opened it

"And how do you know that?" Shiori asked.

"Because we tested it on you" Reine smiled.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" She shouted at her.

"Don't worry" Reine calmed her down "I was just joking"

"I'm not sure if I belive you" Reine start eating.

"Yuzuru, look out!" Kaguya suddenly pointed at sky

Yuzuru looked away and Kaguya licked Y/N cheek where grain of rice was.

"What are you doing Kaguya?!" Shiori scolded her while blushing.

"Complain. You're cheating" Yuzuru looked at her jealous.

"Oh?" Kaguya smirked "Perhaps I'm better than you two?"

"Shiori..." Reine noticed Shiori clinching her fist "Don't you dare..."

"Anwser, beat this then" Yuzuru pulled Y/N to her.

"NO YOU DON'T!" Shiori jumped on her before their lips could meet and pinned her down "NOT ON MY WATCH!"

"What the hell sis?!" Kaguya shouted at her "You can't do that!"

"Question. Shiori, why you did this?" Yuzuru looked at her suprised.

"You can't kiss him like that!" She let go of her and Reine grabbed her.

"Sorry about her" Reine started dragging her away "She's on her pereoid"

"I'M NOT ON MY PEREOID!" She shouted emberassed "LET GO OF ME ALREADY!"

"Sorry, but we have to preform a medical check up on you" Reine anwsered and looked at Tohka "Also, we have some garlic brea-"

"SAY NO MORE!" Tohka stood up and followed her.

"So..." Kaguya looked at Y/N with smile "We're finally alone"

"Question. What do you want to do now?" Yuzuri whispered to Y/N ear.

"Oh, trust me" Y/N smiled widely "You will like this..."

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