8. The Assessment

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I wake up drenched in sweat. I had a nightmare about the assessment, in which all the gamemakers just laughed at me and Lacey stabbed me in the back with a fork. I know it sounds dumb, but it was quite scary.

The clock says 7:26, which means Clariss will be at my door any minute now. I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and as I expected, Clariss was knocking on my door, telling me to wake up. I yell an 'okay' at her and continue getting ready.

I lazily walk down the hallway to the dining room. Everyone is at the table except Rade. I sit down and start eating. My eyes go to Clariss, who is tapping the table with her finger impatiently. What's up with her?

"Where is that boy?" she mumbles under her breath. I guess she's talking about Rade.

All of a sudden, she stands up abruptly and marches off in the direction of Rade's room. She knocks on his door and calls out his name, but after no answer, she bursts through the door. I don't know what she's saying, but her tone doesn't sound very pleasant.

I look at Beetee questioningly, but he just shrugs. I feel like Rade has been quite distant these last few days. Maybe something's going on with him. I really don't know.

After a few minutes of silence, Clariss appears with Rade behind her. When I look at him, his appearance almost scares me. He looks like he hasn't slept for days, with dark circles under his eyes. His face is really pale, almost looks unwell. How did I not notice it before?

"Sit down," Clariss orders, trying to be as soft as possible, but not really succeeding. I guess it was quite a shock for her also, seeing him in this state.

He sits down quietly and starts nibbling on a piece of dry bread.

"Well, now that you're both here, I think I can start," says Beetee. "Today, as you may know, is your assessment. This is the time to show of everything that you know. Show the gamemakers what you're best at, because the score you get can also affect if you get sponsors or not. You're close to the beginning, so they won't be so bored. It's worse with districts like 11 and 12, where the gamemakers aren't really paying attention anymore. Is everything clear?"

"Yes," I answer. Rade just stares into a glass of water without replying.

Beetee sighs, "Well then, the assessment starts at ten. Try not to be late." And with that, he walks away.

I finish my breakfast quickly and go back into my room. After all the assessment talk I realized that I have no idea what I'm gonna do there. Should I shoot some arrows or choose the dagger instead? Beetee said to choose the thing we were best at, and even though I practiced with the dagger when I was little, I could use the bow better. Maybe that could give me some extra points.

I just laze around for a bit until it's time for the assessment. I put on my outfit that was laid out on my bed and head to the elevator.

The elevator doors open and I step inside. There is no one in here. People probably wanted to get there early to be more prepared. It stops on the second floor and Cato and Clove get in.

Clove stands near the doors, but Cato silently walks over to me near the back of the elevator. I feel something brush against my hand and look down. Cato is trying to hand me a piece of paper. I take it away from him, slowly and as quietly as possible so Clove doesn't notice anything.

I open the note and read what it says.

Same place, same time.

I blush and look at Cato questioningly, who just shrugs and smirks lightly. So I guess we're meeting again at midnight. I'm kinda starting to get excited.

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