10. The Interview

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Today is the interview, and I'm really stressed about it. I usually get very nervous in front of a big crowd, and it doesn't help if I'm on TV either.

"Okay, umm, let's try funny," says Beetee with a sigh. We've been training for over two hours and still nothing.

"I don't really know any jokes or anything," I say.

"Then just laugh whenever you get the opportunity. That should make people like you."

I raise my eyebrows. "I don't think that'll work. It'll just sound like a fake laugh, that's all."

"Fine, then try to be cold," he suggests, trying not to roll his eyes. I must be really annoying him.

"But people won't like me if I'm cold."

"Oh, you're right," he says. He thinks for a few minutes and finally sighs in defeat.

"I give up. Just.. just try to be nice and don't mess up, okay?"

"Okay," I say quietly.

"Or maybe ask Clariss, she could give you some tips," he suggests.

Oh, no. "Okay, that'd be great," I lie.

Clariss is literally the last person I'd want teaching me. She'll criticize my every move and every word.

"I think she's in her room," he says when I stand up from the sofa.

I nod and go through the hallway to her door. I take a deep breath and knock loudly.

"Yes?" I hear from inside.

"Clariss? It's me, Jeneah. Can I come in?" I say.

"Of course," Clariss answers.

I open the door and step inside. The scent of an expensive perfume hits my nose with the first step I take.

"Is there something that you need?" Clariss asks me, sitting on a big fluffy armchair, holding a book in her hand.

"Well, I'm kinda having trouble thinking of what to do at the interview, and Beetee told me to ask you."

"Oh, I'll gladly be of some help to you,"  she says with a smile.

"Thank you," I say.

She puts the book down, stands up abruptly and starts circling around me, looking at every detail.

"You have to stand straight. Good posture is the key."

Then she orders me to sit down. I do so, and she starts shifting my body into different positions, some of which were quite unpleasant.

She walks a few steps back and examines me.

"Perfect, this is how you will sit in the interview," she says.

"What?" I whine. This is incredibly uncomfortable.

"Stop whining. You came to me, so you will do as I say. I'm not forcing you to be here," she snaps at me.

For the next two hours she taught me how to walk, talk, smile and many more unnecessary things. I fall onto the bed in exhaustion.

"Okay, I think you're ready," Clariss finally says.

"Okay, thank you," I say quickly and rush out the door.

I run to my room and shut the door behind me. I go take a shower, because I'm really sweaty from all that training with Clariss. After the shower I change into some new clothes and turn on the TV.

I watch some cooking show until Clariss comes knocking on my door, telling me to go have lunch. I turn off the TV and follow her to the dining room. I sit down at the table and start eating a big portion of roast duck and rice noodles.

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