11. Day One

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I get woken up by someone knocking on my door. A groan comes out of my mouth and I see Karima peeking through the door.

"Jeneah, it's time." she says in a low voice. My eyes widen and I swiftly get up and get ready.

There's a small breakfast prepared for me on the table. I eat without even chewing and gulp down some water.

I finish and stand up, following Karima to the elevator. We go up to the roof. There's a big hovercraft waiting for us there. We walk up to the ladder and I climb onto it. It freezes my whole body until I'm safely up on the hovercraft.

I go sit down on the seat labeled '3', next to Cato. Rade is already sitting next to me on the other side.

A woman in a white suit comes up to me. "Your arm," she says sternly.

I extend my arm out slightly and she yanks it closer, takes out a needle and sticks it in my arm. I wince at the pain as she takes the needle out and goes over to another tribute.

After a few minutes the rest of the tributes sit down and I feel the hovercraft moving.

I look up to see the girl from 1 eyeing me with a smirk. I quickly look away.

"So, you and Cato, huh?" she says.

"What about us?" I mumble angrily. It's not only the whole nation that will be bugging me about this, it's also the tributes.

"How long have you been 'dating'?" she asks me, doing the quotation signs with her hands.

"We're not dating!" Me and Cato both shout at the same time.

She chuckles. "See, you said it both at the same time, that's what couples do, right?"

"Glimmer, shut the fuck up," says Cato, gritting his teeth.

Glimmer just rolls her eyes and goes back to picking at her nails.

"You know, I don't get why you did it when you're going to try and kill each other anyway," she continues.

"You don't have to get it, 'cause it's none of your business!" Cato nearly yells at her.

"But still, what do you even see in her?"

I raise my eyebrows. "I'm right here," I say.

She ignores me and continues. "She's just a distraction. I don't want you in our group slowing us down."

"Glimmer?" Cato says angrily. "Do you want to be my first kill?"

"No," she answers.

"Then shut the fuck up!" he yells.

She finally shuts her mouth.

We finally land after that long ride. The tributes start filing out with their stylists. Karima catches up to me and we go down together. We walk through a white tiled hallway. We zigzag through the passages until we find a big white door saying 'F3'.

Karima opens the door to the launch room and we walk in. There's a table in the middle of the room, and the tube that will lift me up to the arena in the back. Karima picks up the clothes that are lying on the table and hands them to me.

I quickly change and throw the other clothes in a pile on the floor.

I'm wearing dark green cargo pants, a black long sleeve t-shirt and a thick brown jacket with a lot of pockets.

"30 seconds." A voice from a speaker announces.

I start to shake.

"It's okay, you're going to be fine," Karima says reassuringly and gives me a small smile.

Are The Odds In Our Favor? ~Cato~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt