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The door opened- revealing her guardians.

"Jenga" the smaller one laughed out lightly.

"Jenga" I confirmed with a nod.

"Today's session went great- she's opening up little by little, I think we'll make some great progress within the next few weeks" I spoke, looking to her the entire time as she pulled a piece out, making the entire thing fall.

I stood, going to the two of them, putting my back towards Mila as I spoke.

"I'm suspecting there might be some bad memories from her past, but I'm going to dig deeper-" "just ask her about her past" The buff one spoke out.

"I can't just jump at her- I have to establish a relationship, get her trust and make her know that it's okay to talk-" "so you play Jenga with her?" He shot to me.

"Yes, so we play Jenga." I confirmed firmly.

No one was going to come into my work space and make me feel like I wasn't doing what I was supposed to- I had a method to everything I do.

"Okay- you're the Doctor" he sighed out, turning and leaving the smaller one.

"Sorry about him, he just wants her to open up as quickly as possibly, we put a lot of money into her already- we want a relationship with her" he spoke slowly.

"You'll get one, but it's nothing you can rush."

He nodded slowly

"So I'll see you Friday at three?" He questioned.

"Perfect" I nodded.

"Mila, ready to go?" He asked, making me turn, seeing she had cleaned all of the Jenga pieces and returned them to their box.

"You didn't have to clean it" I spoke as she stood, rubbing her hands together.

"I wanted to" she mumbled out, walking past me quickly.

And they left together, no exchange of words that I could see

And I couldn't help but wonder for a moment

Did they try to talk to her?

Like, what if she needed time to open up, but by the time she was ready to open up- they gave up on her?

What if all of this was on them

And she was just the one blamed

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