Thirty Four

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They respected me enough to give me the space I desired.

I sat on the floor, letting my head lean against the wall as I let tears roll down my cheeks.

Back into the foster home I go.

Maybe it was for the best

I can start fresh, yet again.


"Stay away from her room"

Ashton had lectured me a hundred times, telling me she was constantly on the verge of tears and made it more than clear that I was not who she wanted to see.

But, I couldn't resist.

I went into her room, immediately seeing her in a corner, on the floor, asleep.

I walked to her, carefully picking her up bridal style before I laid her in the bed gently, covering her.

I kissed her forehead gently before getting a wet rag to gently wipe away the tear marks on her cheeks.

I ran my finger over the scars in the crook of her elbow, wishing I could just talk to her.

"Luke" Calum's voice made me freeze.

"Calum-" "Ashton told you to stay away for a reason, we've had to fight her for almost five hours now, go home and go to bed, when she wakes up in the morning I'll talk to her." He spoke to me, making me nod as I stood.

"I just wanted to be with her for a minute." I mumbled, seeing him nod.

"Just go and don't let Ash catch you."

So I did as said

I went home and showered and got in bed for two hours of sleep before I would need to go right back into work

But I just prayed that she would talk to me instead of actually sleeping


I woke up to whispering.

"We're willing to foster her, but we just have to work out a few disagreements we're having right now" I heard Ashton whisper.

"Oh that's great" chloe, my normal social worker spoke back quietly.

"So she's healthy right now?" She whispered.

"We got her hydrated, she's good physically, but she needs some more therapy and counseling, she's fighting a few battles in her head." He spoke.

I opened my eyes, seeing Michael's hand holding my own, his head against the mattress.

I gave his hand a small squeeze, seeing him immediately look up to me.

"Good morning" he spoke, gaining everyone else's attention.

"Morning" I spoke quietly.

"How are you feeling, sunshine?" Chloe asked me quietly.

"Fine" I told her slowly.

"You and I have some discussing to do, but everyone has to step out so you feel comfortable" she spoke, making both Ash and Michael stand, leaving together.

She sat on the bed with me, as I pulled myself to sit criss cross.

"The second family to return you." She spoke, making me nod.

"You just can't get comfortable?" She asked.

"No one gives me the time to" I spoke.

"Well- Doctor Irwin says he's willing to foster you, eventually adopting if you can both work out a few things-" "I think it would be best if you put me somewhere else." I spoke, seeing her eyes widen.

"Mila, you've never had this opportunity, they'll take care of you-" "i cant be with them" my voice cracked, the tears wanting to appear yet again.

"Okay" she spoke, clearly frustrated, but who wasn't frustrated with me at this point?

"So I'll get you into your old foster home, but you will continue to have your three day a week appointments with Doctor Hemmings." He spoke firmly.

"No, can you get me a new one?" I asked quickly.

"Doctor Hemmings charts show that you grew exponentially, a lot more than with your other therapists, so no, I'm not getting you a different one." She spoke firmly, making the tears come into my eyes more and more.

She closed her book, standing.

"I'll come get you in about two hours once Blake and Brennan have your stuff ready to move." She spoke, getting bigger response from me.

I let my head hit the back of the bed, letting a laugh come out.

Life couldn't get much worse

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