Twenty Two

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I got out of the shower, hearing my phone ding.


They're packing a lot.

I looked to the text, not thinking much about it.

It's a week long cruise, I'm sure they're overpacking just to be sure, don't think about it too much.

I almost immediately got a text back.

You're right, I'm freaking out over nothing.

Everything is gonna be okay. You're going to spend the week with us, we're going to make you love bacon, it's gonna be great.

I got dressed, falling into my bed once I was dressed.

Nothing will convince me to like bacon.

I smiled at her text, letting a stretch out as I turned a movie on, seeing Calum appear in my doorway.

"Ashton and Michael are nervous about Mila being here" Calum spoke, making the other two appear.

"Why?" I immediately asked.

"What if we make her uncomfortable because she doesn't know us?" Ashton asked.

"She's going to be uncomfortable either way at first, she'll get used to you guys, she grows on people quick" I spoke to them.

"If she's uncomfortable, tell us and we'll go ride around or something-" "if she's too uncomfortable, we will go to her house, it's no big deal" I laughed out.

The next morning I woke up, immediately checking my phone.

One text from Mila

My arm bruised from the IV

That happens sometimes, as long as it doesn't swell, you're okay.

She was very worried about herself, which I understood.

We ended up going into work, and I ended up doing research on Mila

First I just looked up her name, which took me to orphanage homes, where you could view the kids that were up for adoption.

I clicked her name, immediately going to some of her information such as her age, full name and things she 'likes'

At the bottom of the page it said

Sorry! Mila is no longer available for adoption, she's been taken to a happy family!


Well okay

I tried googling her again, nothing coming up.

I looked up the last name and San Diego, California, seeing multiple options.

I then saw a prison page.

It brought me back to Mila saying something about her parents being in jail.

I was taken to two Gomez's.

Both of which could've resembled Mila in the smallest ways.

They're bond was extremely high, there was no reasoning when it came to the charge.

So I took being doctor into play.

I called the prison, telling them it was for a medical case- which wasn't a lie.

I was directed to the warden who seemed very nice.

"I have a patient who has connections to Sarah and Mason Gomez, I was looking them up and I see what their charges are not posted, I was wondering if I could figure out why they aren't posted and what their charges are" I spoke.

I heard him hesitate.

"Doctor Hemmings, I wouldn't be able to tell you much even if I wanted to- but I made a promise to a young girl about six years ago that I wouldn't tell or reveal why these people were in jail- and I have to stick to that" he spoke.

"I respect that- do you mind me asking who the young girl was?" I asked.

I felt some hesitation

"Mila Gomez, their biological daughter" he spoke, making me sigh immediately.

"Okay- Thank you anyways-" "are you in contact with Mila?" He asked.

I hesitated, wondering how I should handle this.

"Yes- but not for medical reasons" I lied, not wanting him to ask me why needed a therapist.

"I'm going to say one thing and you didn't hear it from me" He spoke hesitantly

I listened closely

"Be there for that kid. She's traumatized, she's going to have PTSD, she's not going to talk about it- but she needs someone"

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