Back to Moneree

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The Karmian forces take over the village. The next day, the A9 leaves for Moneree. It is only a matter of time until they hit Sunbright.

Moneree meets us taut and gloomy. Though the main forces gather here, in a large city like Moneree, the streets seem haunted. People brought oxygen to the arteries and made that massive heart beat. I see what Rhea meant now walking the streets of the ghost city. When Karmians left, it became lifeless. The cause is the Drellians, me. It is depressing to watch as I never wanted to destroy something so beautiful.

All A9 picked a place in the apartments close to the control building, but I opt for the Stream Boulevard, 10, near the beach De La Re, choosing another room across from Rhea's. The place is a little larger, all grey and white with a massive chimney, high-tech and intimidating. Furniture in the room is scarce, but everything that remains is in order. The bed at the opposite wall, decorated with metal plates and small mirrors inbetween. Even those form the straight pattern. The place could belong to someone from Drell. It could be my room, for all I know. A massive chair is at the window, overlooking the main entrance and the park close by.

I throw my bag on the bed and stop by the window. The picture of dread is staring back at me. All cheerfulness is gone, ground dark and muddy, the oaks and the willows bare with their twigs stretched in a deadly fight. The roaring of the wind and the rustle of the trees make the scene daunting. I step away looking away.

One evening Cartright shows up on my doorstep, in an enormous winter coat. He is freezing. Like the rest of us. He smiles good-naturedly when I swing the door open.

'I am in Moneree for business and heard you picked some peculiar dwelling on the outskirts.'

'I got the sea to myself, and I love to drive.'

Upon entering, he inspects the place with such scrutiny that I grow confident he knows it is Rhea's house. But Cartright turns to me, impressed.

'Ancient. The place is incredible. The owner must be mighty rich.'


I frown. I have never thought of her that way. The chimney I lit in the kitchen soon warms up the room enough for us to take off our coats. Cartright puts the bottle of some liquor I have never seen before. The label is Karmian. My hunt for tumblers lasts for three long minutes. The place is enormous with a million of cupboards.

'This stuff is even better than their weapons.'

Free-spoken and benignant, David Cartright seems to be a good man. If he was not the Intelligence, interested in Flint.

'How did you get here?' I ask.

It is a long way from the center. He smirks as I pass him a couple of cristalware with the woozy design. He pours a drink and slides the snifter across the kitchen island.

'On foot. Like you did last time. I am stationed with the division of Bratfried. We just arrived today.'

'So the reports are true then. The major forces being sent to Moneree after losing the positions and sustaining great casualties.'

I take the glass and sniff the liquid. The smell is woody. The pines?

'Well, most of the land to the South is still held by the Drellians. But yes, the territories further to the North are a different story altogether. We still manage to fight off the attacks, but obviously, we will not be able to win the war during the wintertime. Drell has to survive the winter. Apparently, Karm has no intention to wait until summer to kick us out.'

In summer, Drellians pushed Karm further to the North, and there was hope to reach Stolnter. That hope is now abandoned.

Cartright empties his glass, waiting for me to do the same.

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