The End Game

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My entire team sits in the living room of Rhea's house. Its beige walls, white linen curtains with wrens and nightingales, and the white coaches with a glass coffee-table practically scream at us to get out. Her house is so fitting to her, a continuance of her story. My team looks out of place here, but they don't seem to notice. They wait expectantly, and I switch my projector to discuss the plan.

'The advance of Karmian forces on Moneree is planned for March 1st. The control building can be the target. Intelligence suspects Flint will attempt to destroy the connection. We cover three streets leading to the control building – Alpha, Orion, and Delphie,' I point at the picture and show the houses I chose. 'We will be located on the roofs, not inside. Those are the houses where you station. You will receive a message with the house appointed to you.'

'What is with the underground?' Holt interrupts.

'Laser net with four-level security.'

'Good. How many of us will participate?'

Tom sits straighter on the soft leather couch. Uncomfortable. The house makes him anxious. Typical Rhea.

'All fifteen. We will cover P20, they need the full support of A9,' I don't usually use all my people during one operation. They need time to rest. We shoot people to death, and this takes its toll. But I need them all on the streets for this last battle. We are the best Drell has. Since we do not know where they will be coming from, we need to cover all the streets leading to the main building. Position on the roof will allow us to notice and eliminate targets faster.

'Heston Candred will be with us?' Nyx chuckles.

'Yes. They'll have ten battleships with twenty people on board. Heston will be in one of them. The rest of the P20 division will be on standby in one of the buildings.'

'Heston Candred will be in one of the battleships?' Brat asks.

I share the confusion, but not my thoughts on the matter. So I only nod.

P20 division entered Moneree first when the war began, Drell advanced and took the Southern capital overnight. Heston gloated and talked about the possibility of finally become part of the Council. He did not stay in the city for long and proceeded further North in hopes of being one of the first to enter Stolnter. Before winter, the leaders still planned to take over the Karmian capital. Occupying Stolnter would be the complete victory over Karm. South is essential, but North is crucial. At least, that was what I thought until Rhea showed up in Moneree.

Winter surely made some adjustments to Heston's ambitious plan. With low food and weapon supplies, it became impossible to advance. Not to mention, people were freezing to death.

I am sure changes that came with winter were a blow on Heston's pride. He is pissed when I first meet him in Moneree, the city of his former triumph and glory. They asked him to secure the city, which means he will stay out of the battle along with A9. He is smart and cunning, but operational thinking he lacks. He is a ramrod, better than others, educated and wealthy but still a ramrod. We will be making history or die trying. That he is unable to grasp too.

'It will be a miracle for the Karmians to get to the control building. All the streets are secured by the Drellians. No way to neutralize all fifteen men of A9. The drains are covered by the latest tech. The Karmians will lose, and the winter is over,' Holt cheers.

'Stay focused. We haven't won the war yet. Intelligence reports Flint to participate in the operation,' I reply.

Logically Holt is right, but there is no way of knowing when it comes to Rhea. Nothing good happens to the Drellians whenever she is involved. We are talking Moneree. She adores the city. No doubt, she will take the lead. And I have a terrible feeling about the upcoming events.

'Well, if we keep the city now, it will get warmer. No snow or wind soon. We will get another chance to advance and finally take over Stolnter,' Tom suggests.

'Weak and in low spirits, but we still outnumber the Karmians in weapon and quantity, don't we?' Holt asks.

The dread only intensifies. So I stop the discussion.

'Let's focus on the plan if the signal is lost.'

The Drellians are prepared and quite strong, even after surviving the winter. Nothing to worry about.

I stare at the ceiling. Even the familiar sound of the sea and the woody scent cannot lull me to sleep. The spacious room feels cold and lonely. And the dark branches of the gruesome elms knock from time to time on the window glass, reminding me that I am merely a stranger here.

We were never close, my brother and I. Loved and cherished, I have always been a stranger to my family. My morals and principles matter. There are certain lines I will never cross, which, of course, makes me vulnerable in the eyes of my Drellian family and the Drellian society in general.

My parent's favorite, Heston was loud, demanding. Always in search for more, never satisfied. He is a natural warrior. Popular with women and respected by men, but incapable of caring for anything else. Apart from making his way up to the top. The plan is to become one of the Council leaders and have his self-assurance burst through the roof. He changed a lot when the war started. There are rumors about things he's done. Some things are so cruel I refuse to believe them.

The Drellians are a proud nation, sometimes to the point of extreme. Heston's arrogant behavior is not only acceptable but admired. Apparently, I do not love myself enough to become so successful. Blinded by his own superiority, he does not see other people clearly. And that could lead to a downfall.

I love my brother, I do. But it is a strange love mixed with judgment and disapproval. Tones of judgment and a mountain of disapproval.

I give up after two hours and opt for the shore. Though of a dark brown color, the wet sand is not covered with snow. The ice-cold wind is blowing furiously from the raging sea, bombarding my face with small salty drops. The unresting waters are gruesome, with waves rising high above. They rise menacingly and drop with a hissing sound. The sea assaults the shore and then retreats only to come back and attack again. The sky is too cloudy, and moonlight fails to pierce the darkness. The warm and kind Moneree turns into a cold dark beast. I feel the power of nature here, mighty, ready to destroy and punish anyone who tries to come toe to toe with it. The scene is unsettling, so I flee to the house.

I don't get any sleep that night, my thoughts and emotions taking control of my boiling brain.

In the morning I pack all my belongings and visit the book bedroom for one last time. My fingers touch the soft covers of ancient books. We are two warriors on opposite sides of the barricades. What will be the end of our story? I stand in the middle of the room, relishing in the tranquil silence, interrupted only by the distant whisper of the sea. With great honor to the end of the night, the hesitant tender light melts into the semi-darkness, afraid to disturb the obscurity.

I am reluctant to walk out the door. I will miss Moneree and this house.

The sadness will pass. What is it about the Karmians? There is some kind of magic to them.

For a split second, I wish we lose Moneree so the G390 girl can return home, and instantly ashamed of the thought.

I am not a traitor, I must never be. 

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