Post Ep 34 (Base Script Version)

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Susca: I... really hate that is has come to this, but we mustn't wait any longer. My people, YOUR people, Siren, are in danger.

Siren: W- wait- You don't actually m- mean that, right?

Susca: *A sorry exhale, silent and dramatic* ....I'm sorry.
Beacon, you must take this.
*She looks away, almost unable to watch what she's orchestrating.*

Kappa: *receives the spear from Susca*
H- Hold on! I don't wanna kill anybody! There's a better way, right? A way where nobody has to die? S- Siren did nothing wrong! I- I- I can't kill him.

Susca.: I'm sorry, Beacon, but not in the prophecy.

Kappa, basically snapping at this point: Forget the prophecy! Just because a bunch of old dead people said so, all these terrible things have to happen?!
I am SICK, and TIRED of all these stupid prophecies! Did anyone ever ask how I felt about it? Did anyone?! My entire life, I have done NOTHING but fulfill OTHER people's plans. I'll admit, I went along with it, but this DRAWS THE LINE. I- I- I can't... I... (literally just breaks down and starts sobbing) I can't do it anymore....

*SUSCA and SIREN look at each other silently, sympathetic as Kappa's curled over himself, on the floor.*

Siren: Hey... Kappa, it's okay. We'll find a better way. Right, mother?

Susca: .....

*Kappa still quietly crying*

Siren, who has zero friendship experience and no comforting experience at all: K-.... Kappa, I've spent my entire life hidden away waiting for this moment where I can be useful. It's okay for you to kill me.

Kappa: It's not just that! You think I WANT to kill you? I can't do it, Siren! I'm not going to murder my only sensible friend just for some stupid prophecy that won't even go right! It's my one job, my ONE JOB, all to do what the surface god tells me, but I- I can't do it... I can never do any of it how they expect me to... Just....
*KAPPA drops the spear to the ground*
Kappa: Just stab me.

Siren: Kappa, no. You're the BEACON, you have to stay. I'm the one who needs to-

Kappa, voice breaking: I DON'T WANNA BE THE BEACON ANYMORE!

*SIREN bends down to meet KAPPA at eye level on the ground, pulling KAPPA into a hug.*

Susca: All.... All right. I have an idea.

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