Part 3

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    Kappa and Siren looked at each other from across the banquet table with nervous expressions. Susca can't seem to think of any small talk, and she can't begin discussing her plan until the three are completely alone. With the addition of Siren's requested help, of course. The queen watched the mers sitting at the table with her also remain completely silent, except they don't seem to acknowledge Susca's presence in the room at all.

     A sigh of relief sweeps across the table as two shark guards enter the room, escorting another, very scarred shark. Kappa stares as the guards show the unrecognized shark to her seat, sitting right next to Siren. She had large scars over both of her eyes, and was missing part of her ear. The more Kappa noticed, there didn't seem to be three inches of her body where there wasn't a scar. Kappa didn't know much of this new shark, but clearly Siren trusted her, and she deserves Kappa's respect. The beacon raised his eyebrow in confusion when the scarred shark started feeling all over Siren's upper body.
   "It's really you, eh prince? I'm flattered you invited me to dinner, what favor you gotta ask of me now?"

     Siren smiled a little bit when she said that, before his expression changed to a more guilty one.
"It's good to see you too, Silver. Actually, there's someone I'd like you to meet;" the prince gestures across the table at the beacon, causing Kappa to blush, just a little bit. "This, is Kappa."

     Contrary to Kappa's expectations, Silver lightly punched Siren the arm and gave a wide smile, throwing her arms into the air.
"Finally! The young prince is putting himself out there! Kappa, eh? That's not a shark name. How scandalous, heheheh....."

"Uhhhh......" Kappa says involuntarily, very confused.

"Oooh!" The scarred shark says; "That's a pretty voice. Is that you, Kappa? ..... waitaminute."

"Kappa?" Susca interrupts, attempting to stop Silver before she becomes a bad influence. "Is that the beacon's name?"

"Yeah." Kappa responds, finally relieved that the queen was taking the hint. Kappa didn't exactly like constantly being called 'Beacon', especially since he had an actual name. "I've been trying to tell you the whole time. Siren is the only one who listened-"

     The conversation was interrupted by a rather dramatic gasp from Silver, who propped herself up onto the table, much to Susca's disgust. The scarred warrior posed in an over-dramatic way, clearly about to go on one of her humorous shenanigans. "The BEACON?! Oh My LoRd, SiReN! WhAt a FoRbIdDeN lOvE, eVeRyThInG mAkEs So MuCh SeNsE nOw!"

     In the midst of Silver's dramatic monologue, in which she is laying with her back flat on the table with her tail over her head, Susca makes a wide-eyed expression directly at her son.
The prince responds by burying his face in his hands, audibly aggravated. Kappa shoots the queen a forced smile, unable to eat the meal in front of him. Silver, unable to see and therefore unable to take the hint, rolls over on the table and taps the beacon on the nose. "It's no wonder you can't break the curse! I mean, I knew from the start you couldn't kill them, but NOW it gets even better!"

     Kappa, with an extremely red face, leans back in his chair, almost tipping over. Susca, once realizing that what Silver is saying might actually have some backing to it, decides she's had enough. She clears her throat loudly, catching the attention of the shark spread out onto the dining table. "Silver. That's enough."

     Silver immediately sits back in her chair, unaware that the queen was still in the room. "I'm sorry, your highness."

     Siren exhales louder than he intended to, grateful that his mother had stopped the warrior from saying anything else. The prince lifts his head from the arms it was hidden under, only to find Kappa staring at him. The two mers quickly change their attention once Susca begins to talk, not even noticing Silver wiggling her eyebrows at the prince.

"Silver, you've been serving the castle for many, many years, and I'm sure that you believe I want what's best for my people. Siren, the be- Er, Kappa, and I need your help, but you mustn't tell anyone else."

     The blind shark turns her head in the direction of the queen's voice, trying her best to look directly at Susca. "Oh please, your highness, I have no one to talk to anyway. I'll do whatever you need me to."

     Susca gives the blind warrior a nod of respect, noting to herself that Silver was taking the request seriously. The queen looks at Siren, beginning to explain her plan.
"Prince Siren and the beacon will leave the castle in search of the old home of the sharks. Once they get there, they will grab everything they can from the treasury and bring it back here. We can't have the others interfering with this, however, as they still firmly believe in the prophecy. I will claim that the beacon has escaped, and that Siren has left the castle to search for him. That's where you come in, Silver."

     Siren rested his hand on Silver's shoulder, causing her to turn and face the young prince. "Silver, you know the map of this castle better than anyone else. I need you to help us escape unnoticed."

     Silver makes a familiar face at Siren, ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ), and smiles back at the queen. "Of course, Queen Susca, anything to help serve you."

     She looks across the table at Kappa, as if she was trying to be reassuring.
"I know just the route."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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