Part 2

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     Kappa went through the drawers in Siren's room, almost hitting the young prince in the face with his tail. "Wow... this is your room? You have so many scrolls in here. I guess these are the only experience with the outside world you have..."

    Siren shrugs, embarrassedly scratching behind his pointed ear. "I just like to read, I guess. Sorry my room is such a mess, so one ever comes in here-"

"Ha!" Kappa shouts, turning around to face Siren and holding up a scroll. "This is what people think I look like? How would I even be able to swim with this many tails???"

     Siren takes a closer look at the scroll in front of him. It's an old scroll the prince has had since he was very young, about the beacon and the prophecy. Knowing the truth now, his mom has probably made it for him, he thinks. The prophecy that's causing so many problems in Siren's current life. The shark's eyes wander to the bottom of the page, where a small note is written in childlike handwriting. It reads; "My Destiny."

     Kappa notices the prince's now blushing face, and turns the scroll to face him again. The beacon chuckles a little to himself, smiling at Siren.
"Siren... did you write this?"

     The shark's face gets only redder at the question, as he puts his hands in front of him to further punctuate his explanation. "I- I wrote that when I was six, okay? I didn't understand that I would have to kill you! I was.. I was so excited to meet you, and finally be able to leave the castle. I thought that maybe we would be able to be friends after. Then, of course, I got older, and...."

     Siren stopped talking once he realized he was ranting. He stares back at the beacon, who had been smiling at him without saying anything. The two continued to gaze at each other for quite some time, only stopping when they were interrupted by a noise near Siren's doorway. The prince looked to the source of the noise, startled. Siren was relieved to see it was only Skiff, who obviously felt like he was walking in on something, judging by his flustered expression.
     "O- Oh! I'm so sorry to interrupt, your highness! The queen wants to see you. Oh, and the beacon too!" Skiff quickly swims away once he says that, leaving before Siren could give a response.

"Well..." Kappa says, to break the silence, "We better go see what that's about, heh..."

"Yeah.." Siren replies, rather awkwardly. "

     The two swim outside of Siren's room, meeting Queen Susca, who was looking at them with a sober expression. Siren felt a hand on his back, jumping a little before he realized it was only Kappa hiding behind him.

     "Siren." The Queen began to say, clearing her throat to gain her son's attention. "I've prepared a small feast for our..... guest. It's best we all spend some time together before I discuss my "idea"."
Susca looked her son in the eye, giving Siren a look he couldn't read. "But, Siren...."

"Yes, mother?"

     She gave a subtle nod to Kappa, who was slowly moving from being behind the prince.
"Siren, I need you to find someone you really trust. I have an idea that could save you, and buy the beacon some time, but I can't do it alone."

     The prince turned around to face the beacon, who was watching the sharks swimming in the distance with a determined look in his eye. Siren wanted the curse to be lifted, but he didn't want anyone to get hurt. Not Kappa, not his mother, and not even himself. When Siren thought about it, there was only one other person he knew that he could trust as much as the two of them. Someone who had a different perspective on the world, and who had been Siren's friend for many years. The prince swam closer to the queen, thinking of exactly who they needed to call.


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