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Words: 767

"Are you ok Jimin!" Hoseok and Taehyung said as they ran to Jimin who was sitting at their usual lunch table.

"I'm fine, a little shaken up but fine." Jimin said leaving out the part about Yoongi saving him.

He knew it was him because he dropped his favorite basketball keychain that he wears on every pair of pants.

How does Jimin know that? Don't ask.

"Who did it." Taehyung said in a voice deeper than usual.

"Um, you might get in trouble-"
"I DONT CARE THEY HURT YOU!!" Taehyung yelled grabbing other people's attention in the cafeteria.

Taehyung then grabbed Jimin's collar and pulled him close to his face.

"Who. Fucking. Did. It." Taehyung said slowly, but threateningly.

Jimin and Hoseok gasped. Taehyung only curses when he means business.

"It was Jason...." Jimin whispered in a scared tone.

Taehyung then carefully sat Jimin down in his seat and slammed a fist into the table.

He sat down and held his head, trying to suppress the thoughts that wanted to become words.
It became harder and harder as Jason stood in front of him.

"Oh looky here! Isn't it little Taehyungie! Is he mad I hurt his whittle fweind!!" Jason said while batting his eyelashes, making his gang snicker.

Hoseok held Taehyung's hand.

Taehyung then swatted it away.

"Don't." Taehyung said holding up a hand.

Taehyung then stood up. He was taller than them so he towered over them.
"I don't care who the fuck you are, but you don't get to mess with my friend."

Taehyung said lowly as he pointed a finger at Jason's chest.

"And when you do mess with my friends, you'll get a fucking punishment." Taehyung said and lifted his head from its place towards the ground and glared at Jason.

"I'll see you in hell." He whispers before he punched him in the face.

The cafeteria gasped at the fight between the socially awkward kid and the most popular bully.

And apparently the socially awkward kid was beating Jason's ass!

Taehyung elbowed Jason's friend in the face, breaking his nose as they tried to grab him.

He uppercutted Jason's other friend on his right side.

They both feel to the ground with a thud.

The guy on the left side held his bleeding broken nose, and the guy on the right side passed out.

Jason was the only one left.

Taehyung raised his fist about to knock him out but somebody grabbed his hand.
He grunted.

"Let me go!'' He yelled as he tried to break free and punch Jason.

Jason was on the floor with a frightened face as Taehyung was dragged away and out of the cafeteria by the unknown person.

They then let him go once they were a little far from it.

"Who do you think you-"
Taehyung stopped mid sentence.
There stood Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook.

"What the fuck do you want." Taehyung said as he really wanted to spit in Min Yoongi's face.

"Violence isn't the answer." Yoongi said to him.

"Well I see you've already failed, since you beat people up left and right." Taehyung spat in his face.

Yoongi held the bridge of his nose, trying to calm his nerves.

"Taehyung.......calm down everything's fine." Namjoon said trying to soothe Taehyung.

"You say everything's alright while my friend was literally a second away from death!" He says in anger.

"Well he's alive ok!! I saved him!! He's not dead Taehyung!!" Yoongi said.

Taehyung froze.

"You saved him.......?" Taehyung asked shocked.

"Yes." Yoongi said like it was nothing, kicking air with his hands in him pockets.

Taehyung then calms down.

"I....owe you one.....but that doesn't mean I like you." Taehyung said and ran a hand through his hair.

"Why did you get so worked up?" Jungkook asked curious.

"Uh...because Jimin almost died?" Taehyung said as a question.

"There's more to it isn't there." Jungkook said stepping forward.

"Why would it matter, it's none of your business." Taehyung says defensively.

"You're hiding something. Who are you Kim Taehyung?" Jungkook says as he takes a step closer, face to face with Taehyung.

Namjoon then pulls them apart.

"Ok you two! It's over, bye Taehyung!!" Namjoon says and leads the two away with their arms linked.

As they walk away Jungkook's gaze was still on Taehyung until he disappeared around the corner.


Long chapter!!

Do you think that Taehyung is hiding something?

Do you think there's something hidden between Taehyung and Jimin's friendship?


do you think Jungkook is just paranoid, and Taehyung was just worried for his friend?



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