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"Hey you want to watch the news?" Jungkook asked as he, Yoongi, and Namjoon sat in the couch lazily.

"Sure it's boring." Yoongi said and looked as if he was going to fall asleep.

Jungkook grabbed the remote and turned to the news channel, but what he heard sent him and the rest of the boys in shock.

-Kim Taehyung is the murder of his parents Kim Luna and Kim Jung woo who supposedly died in a fire seven years ago." The reporter said with a straight face.

"He killed his parents!!" Jungkook yelled in fright.

That news definitely shook Yoongi in fright. He was trembling.

"We've all been hanging around with a murderer!!" Yoongi said as tears ran down his cold pale cheeks.

"He could've killed us!!" He wailed and put his hands on his face.

His shoulders shook violently with every cry.

-There is no evidence that there was an accomplice at the scene of the crime. We still don't know why the boy killed his parents." The reporter said more.

Jungkook just turned the T.v off.

"We have to see him." He said and pulled Namjoon and Yoongi with him.


"Hello Taehyung." Hoseok said and sat across from him.

Taehyung pulled his head up and his eyes widen in shock.

"You work for the police?" He practically whispered from how strained and dry his throat was.

"I'm sorry Taehyung, though our friendship was real, I had too." He said with a sad face.

Taehyung only nodded.

"Now can you tell me why you murdered your parents? We need that information so it can determine your sentence in prison." Hoseok said as he held the top of Taehyung's cold and skinny hand.

"I don't want you to be in there with those monsters for a long time Taehyung, I want to help you." Hoseok said with sincerity.

Taehyung only nodded his head.

"I killed them when I was ten years old. Before I was born my mom was a prostitute and my dad was a business man." Taehyung started off.

Hoseok nodded but didn't take notes, not wanting to scare him off.

"They accidentally had a baby. My grandfather found out and forced my mother into marriage so that I could become the next CEO after my dad." Taehyung said.

"I was then born. Ever since I was three they called me a screw up, a disappointment, and other things I don't want to remember." Taehyung said and closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath.

"And then they started beating me. They did it physically and mentally. That's why I was familiar with that mental hospital I went to a few day ago. What they said to me fucked me up." Taehyung's voice cracked and soft tears ran down his sunken in face.

"At five it got worse. I couldn't even go to school on a regular basis anymore. And at seven, my father raped me. He would strap me to a chair and do whatever the hell he wanted to me.

And a ten, it was the time for me to start training to be a CEO. My grandfather didn't want me to be the CEO because of my condition, and my father blamed me for it.

He was going to kill me. He had the knife up and ready to stab into my skull.
But I threw a hot pan at him and ran.
I know my mother was sleeping, so that's why I started that match.

I ran and ran until I found Jimin's parents. Then they took me in." Taehyung said and backed up in his chair.

Hoseok nodded. He wanted to cry so bad as he heard Taehyung's hard life story. He needs someone who would take care of him.


Im cutting this short and I didn't even realize that it was over 600 until I looked down and over.
I was so invested in the story.

But tell me how you like it.


(Completed) Awkward [Taekook]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora