Move on

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Finally I'm released from the hospital after four weeks of being in that stupid hospital room that smelled like cleaning supplies.

I only left with a broken leg, stitches, and a few burn marks here and there. Everything else healed up fast.

I also gave a police report for Taehyung, since I haven't seen him and he didn't answer any of my calls.

They said the cast can come off in the next two weeks, since it's already been on for almost a month.

I use my crutches to start my way home.
I then remembered my phone and Yugyeom. I was so worried about Taehyung that I completely forgot about him.

The guilt slowly ate me up inside as I tapped on his number.

"Jungkook!! Oh my God I was so fucking worried!!! Is Taehyung with you!! I heard you were in the hospital, are you all right!!" Yugyeom yelled in panic on the other side of the phone.

"Yes I'm fine, sorry to worry you. I only have a broken leg, some stitches, and a few burns, other than that I'm fine. I don't know what happened to Taehyung. He disappeared after the explosion, so I made a police report." I look up at the sky, feeling the breeze flow through my hair.

"That's good you're alright. We just have to keep hoping that Taehyung is safe and alive alright? Me and Hoseok are coming to pick you up, where are you?"

"Seoul's local Hospital."

"Alright we're on our way."
Then he hung up.


"You'll stay at our place until you find a new home since-"
Yugyeom stopped.

Jungkook stares at him and then pats his shoulder with a sad smile.

"It's ok, you don't have to say it. Let's go back to my house so we can see if I can get some of my stuff." Jungkook said.


"Wow." Was the first thing that came out of Yugyeom's mouth as they pulled up to Jungkook's house.

There was a hole the size of half a house that was placed on the left side of it.
There was ash everywhere, and everyone evacuated if they lived nearby.

The house was barely standing by itself.

Jungkook didn't give up and still went inside to get himself some things.

Twenty minutes later he came back out with a backpack on his shoulder unharmed.

"Let's go." He says to Yugyeom once he shuts the car door.


Hey!! The next chapter is Taehyung's POV. Also go check out my new book Oops! It a the gang au book that I said I would make.


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