Chapter 1.

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I stared out the window of my twin brothers red ford escort. A usual Friday morning, we were late. Michael, my brother that everyone calls Duff, reached over and turned up the volume on the radio for the the chorus of Highway to Hell.

"IM ON THE HIIIGHWAY TO HELL, HIIIGHWAY TO HELL." He blasted my eardrums and I jumped at the noise.

"Dude, Id like to still be able to hear by the time I'm 20," I turned down the music that was blaring from the speakers.

"Woah, who are you and where is my sister?"

"What are you on about,"

"You love this song and now you're telling me to turn it down, I think Angie's rotting your brain."

"Shut up," I retorted, Angie is one of my best friends, Duff hates her. With good reason, she's a bitch, but she has her moments.

We pulled into the school parking lot. He parked the car and I rushed to get my gear bag and school bag from the trunk. I got my stuff and started running towards the double doors that entered into school. First period started 15 minutes ago and if I get another late I'm probably gonna end up in detention.

"Hey, don't forget. The guys are coming over to practice after school today!" Duff shouted as I was disappearing from ear shot. I stuck my thumb up to signal that I heard him but I wasn't really listening.

Duff had recently just joined his third band in the two years with a few guys from our school. They were all rockers and they were all notorious in their own right for some sort of rebelling. Three of them had legally changed their names. Saul is now called slash. Jeffrey is now Izzy and Bill is now Axl.

As I reached my classroom I could hear the teacher asking a question to the class. "43," Britney answered the teacher while I walked in. Britney used to be one of my best friends. Now, she kinda hates me. Or she at least hates my new friends. She's kind of a smart ass and she loves to show off her superior intellectual abilities to anyone who'll listen. That, I do not miss.

"Miss McKagan, how nice of you to grace us with your presence," Mr. Henderson loves to be sarcastic. "You are so welcome," I responded with an obviously fake smile as I made my way to the back of the class and joined my friends Angie and Winston. The class produced muttered laughs at my comment.


Third period we had soccer practice. Angie, Stephanie, Sam and I are all on the team. That's how I became friends with them. I've been friends with them for about 6 months. We're the popular group. I know, tacky high school clicky shit but it's a thing ok.

"Oh, guys guess what. My parents are gone for the weekend, soooooo party at my place." Stephanie announced. "Dude, yes, no one has had a party for so long." I replied.
"Are gonna invite Axl?" Asked Sam. Stephanie has a reoccurring one night stand with Axl. She likes him but from what I've heard he doesn't want her like that. I've never met him only passed by as she was making out with him at a party.

"Yeah," she sighed. "But, this time I'm not gonna do anything with him.  I'm gonna make him jealous."

"Oh god Stephanie. It's obvious that he just wants to fuck, he won't give a shit if you're grinding on some other guy." Angie said as she tied her hair into a high ponytail. Stephanie looked put in her place and slightly offended.

"I have to agree with Angie on this one. He only calls you to hook up and you've never even gone on a date," I added in trying not to sound too harsh.

Stephanie and I have never really gotten along. Mainly because she was best friends with Angie and hated when anyone else got close to her.

"We hung out at the football game last month," she glared.

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